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Goose billionaires vs. skunk billionaires
Dr. Jay Maron

Philanthropy hall of fame

Who got the most bang for the buck?

Asimov Debate
Carnegie Mellon University
MacArthur Genius Grants
Nobel Prize

Asimov sponsors the "Asimov Debates" at the American Museum of Natural History, and they draw a crowd of thousands. The debates cover exotic topics in science.

Asimov Debates

Putnam Mathemetics Competition


The Queen of England and 007 have a symbiotic relationship. The Queen has the money and 007 can get stuff done. It's a credit to the Queen that she bigly bankrolls 007. It's also a credit to the queen that 007 works for her. 007 doesn't work for just anyone.

Buying political office

Political offices are often purchased, and the money tends to go to oligarchs instead of the worthy. For example, money tends to flow to media executives. Senator Herb Kohl of Wisconsin set an example by donating lavishly to the University of Wisconsin and was rewarded with a senate seat.

The average spending required to win political office is:

               Winner      U.S. Total
              Million $    Million $

U.S. President   1200        2400
U.S. Senate        25        2500
U.S. House          2        2000
State Governor     10        1000
State Senate         .2       400
State House          .08      700

This tells you how much to demand for each office.

Great philanthropists

For a philanthropist, we can ask: What fraction of your wealth did you give away? as well as the worthiness of the recipients. In the era before the French Revolution, the French aristocracy was arrogant, much like the modern Democratic party. It bit them in the ass.

The French aristocracy had an opportunity. They were rich and they could have spent their money wisely, in a way that gains goodwill from the people. They could have spent their money on a batsuit and a batmobile, and they didn't. Lame!

A modern billionaire could use his money to build an Iron Man suit and be a superhero.

What should billionaires spend money on? Think there might be a conspiracy? The oligarchy is bourgeouis with their 1700 private jets at Davos. There is an epidemic of bourgeois, including the oligarchy, Taxing the rich doesn't work. They're good at hiding money. Instead coax them to spend money on your community. Treat them like celebrities if they do. Billionaire shaming. There are good billionaires and bad billionaires. Good billionaires turbocharge communities and bad billionaires poison them. A community should coax good billionaires to move in and be villigant in excluding bad billionaires. A wise billionaire could use his money to become a celebrity and be beloved by the community.

Prince Ranier of Monaco chose a hollywood wife, and he chose wisely. Prince Harry chose poorly.

Wealth distribution

The French Aristocracy of the 18th century was arrogant and it cost them their heads.

The British Monarchy gracefully instituted a smooth transition to democracy, and they got to keep their heads.

The American aristocracy of the 21st century is arrogant.

Robespierre created a world of guillotines, and Robespierre got guillotined.

George Carlin: The oligarchs own this place. It's a big club, and you aren't in it.

Philanthropic opportunities

Academic competitions

Quality jobs

A measure of the quality of a rich person is the quality of the jobs he produces. Elon Musk creates great engineering jobs whereas the Waltons and Wal Mart create low-end jobs.

Creative spending
Dog park


Worthy causes

Tax breaks can be given for worthy causes, for examle a science megaproject. Some examples might be:

Higgs factory collider, a circular electron collider
Electron linear collider
Telescopoe for asteroid fining
Radio telescopes and the search for intelligent life
Gravitational wave observatory

Migration of the wealthy

The wealthy tend to migrate in the direction of low tax, and this is happening in the United States.

Billionaires by state

Billionaires are a good thing to have around.

California   165      Michigan     10    Missouri    6
New York     118      Pennsylvania 10    Virginia    5
Texas         56      Colorado     10
Florida       58      Tennessee    10
Massachusetts 17      Wyoming       9
Illinois      17      Wisconsin     9
Connecticut   17      Arizona       9
Georgia       13      New Jersey    8
Washington    12      Maryland      8
Nevada        11      Ohio          6

Billionaires by cities

Billionaires tend to cluster in cities.

New York City   98    Palm Beach      10    Oklahoma City    3
San Francisco   41    Boston          10    Racine           3
Los Angeles     27    Seattle          8    Omaha            3
Dallas          17    Las Vegas        7    Cleveland        3
Atlanta         13    Phoenix          6    Potomac MD       3
Houston         12    Naples           5    Brookline, MA    3
Greenwich       11    Jackson          4    Cary, NC         3
Chicago         11    Denver           4    Philadelphia     3

American oligarchs

                 Billion $

Jeff Bezos          131       Amazon
Bill Gates           96       Microsoft
Warren Buffett       83       Berkshire Hathaway
Larry Ellison        62       Oracle
Mark Zuckerberg      62       Facebook
Larry Page           60       Alphabet
Charles Koch         50       Koch Industries
David Koch           50       Koch Industries
Sergey Brin          50       Alphabet
Michael Bloomberg    49       Bloomberg LP
Jim Walton           45       Walmart
S. Walton            44       Walmart
Alice Walton         44       Walmart
Steve Balmer         41       Microsoft, LA Clippers
Sheldon Adelson      35       Las Vegas Sands Corp
Rupert Murdoch      >10       Fox News
Michael Dell        >10       Dell
Elon Musk           >10       Tesla
Carl Icahn          >10
Charles Schwab      >10
George Lucas         >4
George Soros         >4
Steve Spielberg      >4
Gordon Moore         >4
Ross Perot           >4
Bob Kraft            >4
Tom Steyer
John Arnold
Donald Trump
Mark Cuban

American wealth distribution

Percentile  Wealth   Fracion of total wealth

   1      10400000       .35
   2       7000000
   3       4500000
   4       2600000
   5       2200000       .62
  10       1187000       .73
  20        499000       .85

American corporations

            Billion $

Apple          780
Alphabet       749
Microsoft      736
Amazon         728
Berkshire H.   450
Facebook       376
Johnson & J.   346
JPMorgan Chase 325

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