Game show

Size of sun / Size of Earth

Height of a 2 litre bottle of Mountain Dew.

Orbit time of Jupiter

Name the 4 large moons of Jupiter

Diameter of Pluto / Diameter of Earth

Distance to the moon / Radius of the Earth

Radius of the moon / Radius of the Earth

Circumference of the Earth in meters.

Seconds in a year, to 20%

Web lookup

Energy density of diesel fuel.

Energy density of alcohol.

Energy density of bamboo wood.


Energy used by civilization in one year.

One-second ticks

The fundamental units are the meter, second, kilogram, and Coulomb. They were originally defined in 1793 as the "Standard International" (SI) units, or "MKS" units.

Quantity   Unit       Definition

Length     Meter      The Earth's circumference is 40 million meters
Time       Second     There are 86400 seconds in one Earth day
Mass       Kilogram   The mass of a cube of water 10 cm on a side is 1 kilogram
Charge     Coulomb    The force between two charges of one Coulomb each and
                      separated by 1 meter is 9 billion Newtons

1 kg of water
1 kg of air
Density of water  =  1000 kg/meter3  =  1 g/cm3
Density of air    =   1.2 kg/meter3  =  .0012 g/cm3

Derived units

The fundamental units are length, mass, time, and charge, and all other units are derived from these.

Quanity            Composition          Units

Length                                  meters
Mass                                    kg
Time                                    seconds
Charge                                  Coulomb
Speed            = Length / Time        meters/second
Momentum         = Mass * Speed         kg meters/second
Acceleration     = Velocity / Time      meters/second^2
Force            = Mass * Acceleration  Newtons = kg meters/second^2
Energy           = Force * Distance     Joules  =  kg meters^2/second^2
Power            = Energy / Time        Watts = kg meters^2/second^3
Area             = Length2              meters2
Volume           = Length3              meters3
Density          = Mass / Volume        kg / meters^3
Pressure         = Force / Area         Pascals  =  Newtons/meter2  =  Joules/meter3
Angular momentum = Momentum * Length    kg meters2/second
Torque           = Force * Length       kg meters2/second2
Temperature                             Kelvin

Unit Conversions
Meter        =   39.37  inches
             =   1.0936 yards
             =   3.281  feet
             =   1/1609 miles
Mile         =   1609   meters
             =   1760   yards      (exact)
Yard         =   3      feet       (exact)
             =   .9144  meters
Foot         =   12     inches     (exact)
             =   .3048  meters
Inch         =   25.4   mm         (exact)

Minute       =   60     seconds
Hour         =   60     minutes
Day          =   24     hours
Year         =   365.25 days

Ton          =   1000   kg         (exact)
Kilogram     =   1000   grams      (exact)
             =   2.205  pounds     (pounds interpreted as mass)
Pound        =   16     ounces     (exact)   (pounds interpreted as mass)
             =   .4535  kg
Ounce        =   28.35  grams      (ounces interpreted as mass)

Meter/second =   2.24   miles/hour
Km/hour      =   .6214  miles/hour
Miles/hour   =   1.609  km/hour

Newton       =   .2248  pounds     (For Earth gravity at the surface)
                                   (pounds interpreted as force)
Pound        =   4.448  Newtons    (pounds interpreted as force)
kg           =   1000   grams

Pascal       =   .0001450 pounds/inch^2   (pounds interpreted as force)
Pound/inch^2 =   6895   Pascals
Bar          =   Average Earth atmospheric pressure
             =   1                 (exact)
             =   101325 Pascals
             =   14.50  pounds/inch^2     (pounds interpreted as force)

Earth gravity=   9.807  meters/second^2
             =   32.2   feet/second^2

PoundAsMass  =  Pound interpreted as mass, with units of kg
             =  .4535 kg
PoundAsForce =  Pound interpreted as force, with units of Newtons
             =  The force exerted by .4535 kg in Earth's gravity
             =  .4535 kg  *  9.8 m/s^2
             =  4.448 Newtons
EarthGravity =  9.8 m/s^2

Force        =  Mass        * Acceleration
PoundAsForce =  PoundAsMass * EarthGravity

Metric prefixes
Scientific notation
Precision and error
Unit conversion

Nucleus                        10-15
Atom                           10-10
American dime coin thickness      .00135
American dime coin diameter       .0178
American quarter coin diameter    .024
Tennis ball diameter              .067
Soccer ball diameter              .22
Average person                   1.78         5 feet and 10 inches
Width of Central Park          800
Height of Mount Everest       8848
Earth radius               6371000
Earth circumference       40000000


SR-71 Blackbird


        1.5   Walk
       10     Sprint
       20     Cycling sprint
       30     Cheetah, fastest land animal
       31     Freeway  (70 miles/hour)
       45     Baseball pitch  (100 miles/hour)
      100     Human neuron
      300     Passenger airplane
      340     Sound at sea level
      590     F-16 Falcon          (Mach 2)
      605     Concorde             (Mach 2)
      670     F-22 Raptor          (Mach 2.25)
      740     F-15 Eagle           (Mach 2.5)
      980     SR-71 Blackbird      (Mach 3.3)
     7800     Minimum speed to orbit the Earth
   100000     Ion rocket
100000000     Fission or fusion rocket
300000000     Light


Electron          9.109e-31
Proton            1.673e-27
Neutron           1.675e-27
1 ounce               .0283
Tennis ball           .058
Soccer ball           .44
1 pound               .454
Typical human       67     (150 pounds)
Sumo wrestler      230     (500 pounds)
Ton               1000
Honda Civic       1200     (9th generation)
Elephant          5000
Bradley tank     27000
Argentinosaurus  70000        largest dinosaur
Blue whale      200000
Earth's moon   7.35e22    =  .0123 Earth masses
Mars            6.4e23    =  .107  Earth masses
Earth          5.92e24    = 1.0    Earth masses
Jupiter        1.90e27    = 318    Earth masses  =  .00096 solar masses
Sun            2.0 e30    = 330000 Earth masses  = 1.0 Solar masses
Milky Way      2-3 e42                           = 1.2 trillion solar masses


Air on Mars         .00002
Air at Everest      .0004       10 km altitude
Air at Denver       .001        1 Mile altitude
Air at sea level    .00127
Ice                 .92
Water              1.0
Rock               2

Magnesium          1.7
Aluminum           2.7
Titanium           4.5
Iron               7.9
Silver            10.5
Lead              11.3
Gold              19.3
Tungsten          19.3
Osmium            22.6           Densest element

Earth              5.52
Moon               3.35
Mars               3.95
Europa             3.103

Ceres gravity            .27
Europa gravity          1.31
Titan gravity           1.35
Moon gravity            1.62
Mars gravity            3.8
Venus gravity           8.87
Earth gravity           9.8
Bugatti Veyron         15.2  0 to 100 km/h in 2.4 seconds
Red out                30    Max long-term acceleration in the direction
                             of blood rushing to your head
Blackout               50    Max long-term acceleration while sitting
Formula-1 car          50    High-speed breaking and cornering with a downforce wing
Blackout with g suit   90    Max long-term acceleration while sitting with a g-suit
Max long-term (front) 120    Max long-term acceleration while lying on one's front
Max long-term (back)  170    Max long-term acceleration while lying on one's back
Max short-term        500    Max short-term acceleration
Bullet             310000    9×19 Parabellum handgun, average acceleration
                             along the barrel

Light travel time

A photon traveling from the Earth to the moon

Larger Picture
Earth-Moon                    1.5 seconds
Earth-Sun                     8  minutes
Earth-Jupiter                40  minutes
Earth-Pluto                   3  days
Oort cloud                  100  days
Alpha Centauri                4  years            nearest star
Galaxy thinkness           1000  years
Galaxy diameter          100000  years
Andromeda galaxy distance     2.54  million light years
Virgo cluster distance       54  million years
Size of universe             14  billion years


The above objects are all to scale.

             Mass   Diameter  Thickness  Copper  Nickel  Zinc  Manganese
             (g)      (mm)      (mm)
Penny        2.5     19.05      1.52     .025            .975         Copper plated
Nickel       5.000   21.21      1.95     .75      .25
Dime         2.268   17.91      1.35     .9167    .0833
Quarter      5.670   24.26      1.75     .9167    .0833
Half dollar 11.340   30.61      2.15     .9167    .0833
Dollar       8.100   26.5       2.00     .885     .02    .06   .035   Plated with manganese brass
Dollar bill  1.0                 .11
The dimensions of a dollar bill are 155.956 mm * 66.294 mm * .11 mm
Balls and courts

In this figure, ball sizes are in scale with each other and court sizes are in scale with each other. Ball sizes are magnified by 10 with respect to court sizes.

The distance from the back of the court to the ball is the characteristic distance the ball travels before losing half its speed to air drag.

             Ball    Ball   Court   Court    Ball
           diameter  Mass   length  width   density
             (mm)    (g)     (m)     (m)    (g/cm^3)

Ping pong      40      2.7    2.74    1.525   .081
Squash         40     24      9.75    6.4     .716
Golf           43     46                     1.10
Badminton      54      5.1   13.4     5.18    .062
Racquetball    57     40     12.22    6.10    .413
Billiards      59    163      2.84    1.42   1.52
Tennis         67     58     23.77    8.23    .368
Baseball       74.5  146                      .675   Pitcher-batter distance = 19.4 m
Whiffle        76     45                      .196
Football      178    420     91.44   48.76    .142
Rugby         191    435    100      70       .119
Bowling       217   7260     18.29    1.05   1.36
Soccer        220    432    105      68       .078
Basketball    239    624     28      15       .087
Cannonball    220  14000                     7.9     For an iron cannonball


                       Kelvin   Celsius   Fahrenheit
Absolute zero            0      -273.2     -459.7
Water freezing point   273.2       0         32
Room temperature       294        21         70
Water boiling point    373.2     100        212

Absolute zero               0
Helium boiling point        4.2
Hydrogen boiling point     20.3
Pluto                      44
Nitrogen boiling point     77.4
Oxygen boiling point       90.2
Hottest superconductor    135          Mercury barium calcium copper oxide
H2O melting point         273.15         0 Celcius = 32 Fahrenheit
Room temperature          293           20 Celcius = 68 Fahrenheit
H2O boiling point         373.15       100 Celcius = 212 Fahrenheit
Venus                     740
Wood fire                1170
Iron melting point       1811
Bunsen burner            1830
Tungsten melting point   3683          Highest melting point among metals
Earth's core             5650          Inner-core boundary
Sun's surface            5780
Solar core               13.6 million
Helium-4 fusion           200 million
Carbon-12 fusion          230 million


Energy to raise 1 kg of water by 1 Kelvin   4187       =  1 "Food Calorie"  =  1000 calories
1 gram of TNT                               4000
1 gram of sugar                            20000       =  5 Food Calories
1 gram of protein                          20000       =  5 Food Calories
1 gram of fat                              40000       = 10 Food Calories
1 gram of gasoline                         50000       = 13 Food Calories
Smartphone battery                         18000       =  5 Watt hours
Laptop battery                            180000       = 50 Watt hours
1 megaton of TNT                            4e15
"Little Boy" Uranium-235 fission bomb                  = 16 kilotons of TNT
"Trinity" Plutonium-239 bomb                           = 20 kilotons of TNT
1 gram of antimatter                                   = 20 kilotons of TNT
Fusion bomb                                            = 10 megatons of TNT
Energy produced by civilization in 1 year   6e20
Dinosaur-extinction asteroid              5.0e23


Typical values for battery energies are:

                      Energy    Energy     Time     Power
                     (kJoule)  (WattHour)  (hour)   (Watt)
Smartphone               28.7     8         10        .80
Tablet                   57.6    16         10       1.60
Macbook air             129      36          5       7.2
Small external battery   42      11          -        -
Large external battery  160      44          -        -

Energy                                 =  Energy of the battery in Joules or WattHours
Time                                   =  The time that the battery lasts
Power                                  =  Energy / Time  =  Voltage * Current
Voltage of a lithium battery           =  3.7 Volts
Current                                =  Electric current in Amperes
Energy of 1 Watt*Hour                  =  3600 Joules    =  1 Watt * 3600 seconds
Lithium battery, energy of 1 Amp*Hour  =  13320 Joules   =  3.7 Volts * 3600 seconds


Human cell               10^{-12}
Laptop computer          10
Human brain              20
Incandescent Light bulb  60
Human at rest           100
1 horsepower            746
Strenuous exercise     1000
Maximum human power    2000
World power per person 2500
Wind turbine              1*10^6
Blue whale                2.5*10^6
Boeing 747              140*10^6
Hoover Dam                2.1*10^9
U.S. power consumption    3.4*10^12
World power consumption  15*10^12
Earth geologic heat      44*10^12
World photosynthesis     75*10^12
Hurricane               100*10^12
Earth solar power         2*10^15    Total solar power falling on the Earth

Energy density (MegaJoules/kg) Antimatter 90 billion Hydrogen bomb 25,000,000 theoretical maximum yield Hydrogen bomb 21,700,000 highest achieved yield Uranium 20,000,000 nuclear fuel Hydrogen 143 Natural gas 53.6 Gasoline 47 Jet fuel 43 Fat 37 Coal 24 Carbohydrates & sugar 17 Protein 16.8 Wood 16 Lithium-air battery 9 TNT 4.6 Gunpowder 3 Lithium battery 1.3 Lithium-ion battery .72 Alkaline battery .59 Compressed air .5 300 atmospheres Supercapacitor .1 Capacitor .00036 The energy cost to convert water to hydrogen and oxygen is 13.16 MJ/kg. If hydrogen and oxygen are reacted to produce one kg of water, the energy produced is equivalent to a 1 kg mass moving at 5.13 km/s.

Physical constants
Speed of light               2.9979e8   m/s
Gravitational constant       6.6738e-11 m^3/kg/s^2
Planck constant              6.6261e-34 J s
Earth surface gravity        9.8067     m/s
Electric force constant      8.9876e9   N m^2 / C^2
Magnetic constant            4 Pi e-7   N/A^2
Proton mass                  1.6726e-27 kg  =  938.272 GeV
Neutron mass                 1.6749e-27 kg  =  939.565 GeV
Electron mass                9.1094e-31 kg
Electron charge              1.6022e-19 C
Atomic mass unit             1.6605e-27 kg
Bohr radius                  5.2918e-11 m           = hbar^2 / (ElectronMass*ElectronCharge^2*Ke)
Boltzmann constant           1.3806e-23 J/K
Avogadro number              6.0221e23  particles/mole
Gas constant                 8.3145     J/K/mole
Stefan-Boltzmann constant    5.6704e-8  Watts/m^2/K^4
Wein constant                2.8978e-3  m K
Mole of Carbon-12            .012       kg          Exact
Planck length                1.6162e-35 m
Planck mass                  2.1765e-8  kg
Planck time                  5.3911e-44 s
Planck charge                1.8755e-18 C
Planck temperature           1.4168e32  K
Water heat capacity          4200       J/kg/K
Steam heat capacity          2080       J/kg/K      At 100 Celsius
Ice heat capacity            2110       J/kg/K      At -10 Celsius
Air heat capacity            1004       J/kg/K
Stefan-Boltzmann             5.67e-8    Watts/meter^2/Kelvin^4
                                        = (2Pi^5/15) Boltzmann^4 / SpeedOfLight^2 / PlanckConstant^3
Wein                         2.898e-3   Kelvin meters
Electron spin                5.2729e-35 Joule seconds  =  PlanckConstant / (4 Pi)

Pi                           3.14159
Euler number                 2.71828

Systems of units
System           Units                                     Best suited for

SI (MKS)         Meters, Kilograms, Seconds                Newtonian mechanics, EM forces between currents
Gaussian (CGS)   Centimeters, Grams, Seconds               EM forces between particles, plasma physics, astrophysics
Particle         Meters, Electron Volts, Seconds           Particle physics
Planck           Planck length, Planck mass, Planck time   General relativity, quantum gravity

1 gram                =  .001 kg
1 cm                  =  .01  meters
1 electron Volt (eV)  =  1.602e-19 Joules
                      =  The energy gained by an electron upon descending a potential of 1 Volt

Particle energies

Helium atom
Particles and forces

In this plot, the diameter of each particle proportional to CubeRoot(Mass). This is what the particles would look like if they were uniform-density spheres.

The electron is exaggerated otherwise it would be invisible.

The blue particles represent the heaviest particle that can be produced by each accelerator.

At this scale, a Big Bang particle has a diameter of 10 km.

Photons, Gluons, and Gravitons are massless.

Electron neutrino < 1     eV
Muon neutrino     < 2     eV
Red photon          1.8   eV
Green photon        2.3   eV
Blue photon         3.1   eV
Electron             .51 MeV
Up quark            1.9  MeV
Down quark          4.4  MeV
Strange quark      87    MeV
Muon              105.7  MeV
Neutral pion      135    MeV
Charged pion      140    MeV
Proton            938.27 MeV
Neutron           939.57 MeV
Charm quark         1.32 GeV  Discovered at SLAC
Tau                 1.78 GeV  Discovered at SLAC
Bottom quark        4.24 GeV  Discovered at Fermilab
SLAC limit         45    GeV  Highest-energy particle that SLAC can produce
W boson            80    GeV  Discovered at the Super Proton Synchrotron
Z boson            91    GeV  Discovered at the Super Proton Synchrotron
Fermilab limti    125    GeV  Highest-energy particle that Fermilab can produce
Higgs Boson       125    GeV  Discovered at the LHC
Top quark         173    GeV  Discovered at Fermilab
LHC limit        1000    GeV  Highest-energy particle that the LHC can produce
Cosmic rays      10^12   GeV  Highest-energy events observed
Planck energy    10^19   GeV  Quantum gravity. Planck energy = 1.22e28 eV = 1.956e9 Joules

1 electron Volt (eV) = 1.602e-19 Joules ~ kT at 11,000 Kelvin

Electricity and magnetism

Quantity                         MKS units                       CGS units

Mass                             M    kg                          gram        m  = .001 M
Wire length                      Z    meter                       cm          z  = .01 Z
Radial distance from wire        R    meter                       cm          r  = .01 R
Time                             T    second                      second      t  = T
Force                            F    Newton                      dyne        f  = 100000 F
Charge                           Q    Coulomb                     Franklin    q  = 3.336e-10 Q
Electric current                 I    Ampere = Coulomb/s          Franklin/s  i  = 3.336e-10 I
Electric potential               Volt Volt
Electric field                   E    Volt/meter                  StatVolt/cm e  = 299.79 E
Magnetic field                   B    Tesla                       Gauss       b  = 10000 B
Energy                           En   Joule                       erg         en = e-7 En
Capacitance                      Cap  Farad                       cm
Inductance                       L    Henry                       s^2/cm
Velocity of a charge             V    meter/second                cm/s        v  = .01 V
Speed of light                   C    2.999e8 meter/second        cm/s        c  = 100 C
Electric force constant          Ke   =8.988e9 N m^2/C^2                      ke = 1 dyne*cm^2/Franklin^2
Magnetic force constant          Km   = 2e-7 = Ke/C^2                         km = 1/c^2
Vacuum permittivity              Eps0 = 8.854e-12 F/m =1/4/Pi/Ke
Vacuum permeability              Mu0  = 4 Pi e-7 Vs/A/m =2 Pi Km
Proton charge                    Qpro = 1.602e-19 Coulomb                     qpro= 4.803e-10 Franklin
Electric field from a charge     E    = Ke Q / R^2                            e  = q / r^2
Electric force on a charge       F    = Q  E                                  f  = q e
Electric force between charges   F    = Ke Q Q / R^2                          f  = q q / r^2
Magnetic field of moving charge  B    = Km V Q / R^2                          b  = (v/c) q / r^2
Magnetic field around a wire     B    = Km I / R                              b  = (v/c) i / r
Magnetic force on a charge       F    = Q  V B                                f  = (v/c) q b
Magnetic force on a wire         F    = Km I B Z                              f  = i b z
Magnetic force between charges   F    = Km V^2 Q Q / R^2                      f  = (v/c)^2 q q / r^2
Magnetic force between wires     F    = Km I1 I2 Z / R                        f  = i1 i2 z / r
Energy of a capacitor            En   = .5 Capacitance*Volt^2
Field energy per volume          Z    = (8 Pi Ke)^-1 (E^2 + B^2/C^2)          z = .5 (e^2 + b^2/c^2)

Maxwell's equations
                                   MKS            CGS

Speed of light                      C              c
Electric field                      E              e
Electric field, time derivative     Et             et
Magnetic field                      B              b
Magnetic field, time derivative     Bt             bt
Charge                              Q              q
Charge density                      Qd             qd
Current density                     J              j
Electric force constant             Ke=8.988e9     ke=1
Magnetic force constant             Km=2e-7        km=2/c

Divergence(E)  =  4 Pi Ke Qd                  Divergence(e)  =  4 Pi qd
Divergence(B)  =  0                           Divergence(b)  =  0
Curl(E)        = -Bt                          Curl(e)        = -bt / c
Curl(B)        =  2 Pi Km J + Et / C^2        Curl(b)        =  4 Pi j / c  +  et / c

Magnetic field

Field generated by brain             10^-12
Wire carrying 1 Amp                  .00002     1 cm from the wire
Earth magnetic field                 .0000305   at the equator
Neodymium magnet                    1.4
Magnetic resonance imaging machine  8
Large Hadron Collider magnets       8.3
Field for frog levitation          16
Strongest electromagnet            32.2         without using superconductors
Strongest electromagnet            45           using superconductors
Neutron star                       10^10
Magnetar neutron star              10^14

Electrical and thermal conductivity of a wire
L  =  Length of wire            meters
A  =  Cross section of wire     meters^2
                  Electric quantities             |                Thermal quantities
Q  =  Charge                 Coulomb              |   Ene=  Thermal energy          Joule
I  =  Current                Amperes              |   It =  Thermal current         Watts
E  =  Electric field         Volts/meter          |   Et =  Thermal field           Kelvins/meter
C  =  Electric conductivity  Amperes/Volt/meter   |   Ct =  Thermal conductivity    Watts/meter/Kelvin
J  =  Current flux           Amperes/meter^2      |   Jt =  Thermal flux            Watts/meter^2
   =  I / A                                       |      =  It / A
   =  C * E                                       |      =  Ct * Et
V  =  Voltage                Volts                |   T  =  Temperature difference  Kelvin
   =  E L                                         |      =  Et L
   =  I R                                         |      =  It Rt
R  =  Resistance             Volts/Ampere = Ohms  |   Rt =  Thermal resistance      Kelvins/Watt
   =  L / (A C)                                   |      =  L / (A Ct)
H  =  Current heating        Watts/meter^3        |
   =  E J                                         |
P  =  Current heating power  Watts                |
   =  E J L A                                     |
   =  V I                                         |

Continuum quantity       Macroscopic quantity

     E             <->      V
     C             <->      R = L / (A C)
     J = C E       <->      I = V / R
     H = E J       <->      P = V I

Electric and thermal conductivity
         Electric  Thermal  Density   Electric   C/Ct     Heat   Heat      Melt   $/kg  Young  Tensile Poisson  Brinell
         conduct   conduct            conduct/            cap    cap                                   number   hardness
        (e7 A/V/m) (W/K/m)  (g/cm^3)  Density   (AK/VW)  (J/gK)  (J/cm^3K)  (K)         (GPa)  (GPa)             (GPa)

Silver      6.30   429      10.49       .60      147       .235   2.47     1235    590    83   .17      .37      .024
Copper      5.96   401       8.96       .67      147       .385   3.21     1358      6   130   .21      .34      .87
Gold        4.52   318      19.30       .234     142       .129   2.49     1337  24000    78   .124     .44      .24
Aluminum    3.50   237       2.70      1.30      148       .897   2.42      933      2    70   .05      .35      .245
Beryllium   2.5    200       1.85      1.35      125      1.825   3.38     1560    850   287   .448     .032     .6
Magnesium   2.3    156       1.74      1.32      147      1.023   1.78      923      3    45   .22      .29      .26
Iridium     2.12                                           .131            2917  13000   528  1.32      .26     1.67
Rhodium     2.0    150      12.41       .161     133       .243            2237  13000   275   .95      .26     1.1
Tungsten    1.89                                           .132            3695     50   441  1.51      .28     2.57
Molybdenum  1.87   138      10.28       .182     136       .251            2896     24   330   .55      .31     1.5
Cobalt      1.7    100       8.90       .170               .421            1768     30   209   .76      .31      .7
Zinc        1.69   116                                     .388             693      2   108   .2       .25      .41
Nickel      1.4     90.9                                   .444            1728     15
Ruthenium   1.25   117                                                     2607   5600
Cadmium     1.25    96.6                                                    594      2    50   .078     .30      .20
Osmium      1.23                                           .130            3306  12000
Indium      1.19                                                            430    750    11   .004     .45      .009
Iron        1.0     80.4                                   .449            1811          211   .35      .29      .49
Palladium    .95    71.8                                                   1828
Tin          .83    66.8                                                    505     22    47   .20      .36      .005
Chromium     .79    93.9                                   .449            2180
Platinum     .95                                           .133            2041
Tantalum     .76                                           .140            3290
Gallium      .74                                                            303
Niobium      .55    53.7                                                   2750
Rhenium      .52                                           .137            3459
Vanadium     .5     30.7                                                   2183
Titanium     .25    21.9                                   .523            1941
Scandium     .18    15.8                                                   1814
Neodymium    .156                                                          1297
Mercury      .10     8.30                                  .140             234
Manganese    .062    7.81                                                  1519
Germanium    .00019                                                        1211

Dimond iso 10    40000
Diamond     e-16  2320                                     .509
Tube       10     3500         Carbon nanotube.      Electric conductivity = e-16 laterally
Tube bulk          200         Carbon nanotubes in bulk
Graphene   10     5000
Graphite    2      400                                     .709         Natural graphite
Al Nitride  e-11   180
Brass       1.5    120
Steel               45         Carbon steel
Bronze       .65    40
Steel Cr     .15    20         Stainless steel
Quartz (C)          12         Crystalline quartz.  Thermal conductivity is anisotropic
Quartz (F)  e-16     2         Fused quartz
Granite              2.5
Marble               2.2
Ice                  2
Concrete             1.5
Limestone            1.3
Soil                 1
Glass       e-12      .85
Water       e-4       .6
Seawater    1         .6
Brick                 .5
Plastic               .5
Wood                  .2
Wood (dry)            .1
Plexiglass  e-14      .18
Rubber      e-13      .16
Snow                  .15
Paper                 .05
Plastic foam          .03
Air        5e-15      .025
Nitrogen              .025                                1.04
Oxygen                .025                                 .92
Silica aerogel        .01

Siemens:    Amperes^2 Seconds^3 / kg / meters^2     =   1 Ohm^-1

Effect of temperature on conductivity

Resistivity in 10^-9 Ohm Meters

              293 K   300 K   500 K

Beryllium     35.6    37.6     99
Magnesium     43.9    45.1     78.6
Aluminum      26.5    27.33    49.9
Copper        16.78   17.25    30.9
Silver        15.87   16.29    28.7

Dielectric strength
The critical electric field for electric breakdown for the following materials is:

Air                3
Glass             12
Polystyrene       20
Rubber            20
Distilled water   68
Vacuum            30        Depends on electrode shape
Diamond         2000

Relative permittivity

Relative permittivity is the factor by which the electric field between charges is decreased relative to vacuum. Relative permittivity is dimensionless. Large permittivity is desirable for capacitors.

             Relative permittivity
Vacuum            1                   (Exact)
Air               1.00059
Polyethylene      2.5
Sapphire         10
Concrete         4.5
Glass          ~ 6
Rubber           7
Diamond        ~ 8
Graphite       ~12
Silicon         11.7
Water (0 C)     88
Water (20 C)    80
Water (100 C)   55
TiO2         ~ 150
SrTiO3         310
BaSrTiO3       500
Ba TiO3     ~ 5000
CaCuTiO3    250000

A   =  Plate area               meter^2
Z   =  Plate spacing            meter
Ke  =  Electric force constant
    =  8.9876e9 N m^2 / C^2
Q   =  Max charge on the plate  Coulomb
Emax=  Max electric field
    =  4 Pi Ke Q / A
V   =  Voltage between plates   Volt
    =  E Z
    =  4 Pi Ke Q Z / A
En  =  Energy                   Joule
    =  .5 Q V
    =  .5 A Z E^2 / (4 Pi Ke)
e   =  Energy density           Joule/m^3
    =  E / A Z
    =  .5 E^2 / (4 Pi Ke)
q   =  Charge density           Coulomb/m^3
    =  Q / A / Z
C   =  Capacitance              Farad
    =  Q/V
    =  (4 Pi Ke)-1 A/Z
c   =  Capacitance density      Farad/kg
    =  C / A / Z
    =  (4 Pi Ke)-1 Emax^2 / V^2
Eair=  Max electric field in air
    =  3 MVolt/meter
k   =  Dielectric factor
    =  Emax / Eair

Continuum                                                 Macroscopic

Energy/Volume  =  .5 E^2 / (4 Pi Ke)           <->        Energy = .5 C V^2
               =  .5 q V                                         =  .5 Q V
c              =  (4 Pi Ke)-1 Emax^2 / V^2     <->        C      = (4 Pi Ke)^-1 A / Z

A capacitor can be specified by two parameters:
*)   Maximum energy density or maximum electric field
*)   Voltage between the plates

The maximum electric field is equal to the max field for air times a dimensionless number characterizing the dielectric

Eair =  Maximum electric field for air before electical breakdown
Emax =  Maximum electric field in the capacitor
Rbohr=  Bohr radius
     =  Characteristic size of atoms
     =  5.2918e-11 m
     =  hbar^2 / (ElectronMass*ElectronCharge^2*Ke)
Ebohr=  Bohr electric field
     =  Field generated by a proton at a distance of 1 Bohr radius
     =  5.142e11 Volt/m
Maximum energy density  =  .5 * 8.854e-12 Emax^2

                         Emax (MVolt/m)   Energy density
Al electrolyte capacitor     15.0            1000
Supercapacitor               90.2           36000
Bohr limit               510000            1.2e12            Capacitor with a Bohr electric field

N  =  Number of wire loops   Dimensionless
Z  =  Length                 meter
A  =  Area                   meter^2
Mu =  Magnetic constant      Henry/meter
   =  4 Pi 10^-7
I  =  Current                Ampere
It =  Current change/time    Ampere/second
F  =  Magnetic flux          Tesla meter^2
   =  N B A
Ft =  Flux change/time       Tesla meter^2 / second
B  =  Magnetic field         Tesla
   =  Mu N I / Z
V  =  Voltage                Volt
   =  Ft
   =  L It
   =  N A Bt
   =  Mu N^2 A It / Z
L  =  Inductance             Henry
   =  Ft / It
   =  Mu N^2 A / Z
E  =  Energy                 Joule
   =  .5 L I^2
Hyperphysics: Inductor
                Pascal second

Hydrogen            .00000876
Nitrogen            .0000178
Air                 .0000183
Helium              .000019
Oxygen              .0000202
Xenon               .0000212
Acetone             .00031
Benzine             .00061
H2O at  10 C        .00131
H2O at  20 C        .00100
H2O at  30 C        .000798
H2O at 100 C        .000282
Mercury             .00153
Blood               .0035
Motor oil           .065
Olive oil           .081
Honey              6
Peanut butter    250
Asthenosphere   7e19         Weak layer between the curst and mantle
Upper mantle   .8e21
Lower mantle  1.5e21

Fluid mechanics
Schmidt number           = Momentum diffusivity / Mass diffusivity
Prandtl number           = Momentum diffusivity / Thermal diffusivity
Magnetic Prandtl number  = Momentum diffusivity / Magnetic diffusivity

                Prandtl   Schmidt
Air                .7       .7
Water             7
Liquid metals  << 1
Oils           >> 1

Refractive index
Vacuum         1
Air            1.000293
Water          1.333
Olive oil      1.47
Ice            1.309
Glass          1.5
Plexiglass     1.5
Cubic zirconia 2.15
Diamond        2.42
The refractive index is dimensionless.
Plasma physics
n              =  Electron density
Q              =  Proton charge
DebyeLength^2  =  Boltzmann Temperature / n / Q^2 / (4 Pi Ke)

              Electron  Temp  Debye   Mag
              density   (K)    (m)    (T)
Solar core      e32     e7    e-11    -
Tokamak         e20     e8    e-4    e1
Gas discharge   e16     e4    e-4     -
Ionosphere      e12     e3    e-3    e-5
Magnetosphere   e7      e7    e2     e-8
Solar wind      e6      e5    e1     e-9
Interstellar    e5      e4    e1     e-10
Intergalactic   e0      e6    e5      -

Art of Order of Magnitude Physics

Order of magnitude physics is a style for generating numerical estimates with a minimum of calculation, and using units arguments to obtain formulae.

Reference material:
* Order of Magnitude Physics at Caltech
* Order of Magnitude Physics at Berkeley
* "Order-of-Magnitude Physics: Understanding the Wo\ rld with Dimensional Analysis, Educated Guesswork, and White Lies." - Peter Goldreich, Sanjoy Mahajan, and Sterl Phinney
* "Street-Fighting Mathematics: The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving." - Sanjoy Mahajan

Using units to derive formulae

Equations can often be derived using units. For example, what is the aerodynamic drag force on a moving object? Such a formula will depend on:

V  =  The object's velocity
A  =  The object's cross sectional area
D  =  The density of the medium the objects is moving through.
Assume the formula has the form
Aerodynamic drag force  =  Dimensionless_Constant * Density^x * Cross_Section^y * Velocity^z
for some value of {x,y,z}. The values that give units of force are
Aerodynamic drag force  =  Dimensionless_Constant * Density * Cross_Section * Velocity^2
Units arguments often give the right formula up to a dimensionless constant and a more involved derivation usually required to produce the constant. For the aerodynamic drag formula, the constant is 1/2. The formula with the dimensionless constant included can always be found on Wikipedia.
Examples of equations that can be obtained with units arguments
Aerodynamic drag force    =  1/2  Density  CrossSection  Velocity^2

Aerodynamic drag power    =  1/2  Density  CrossSection  Velocity^3

Gravitational energy      =  G  Mass1  Mass2  /  Distance

Gravitational self-energy =  3/5  G  Mass^2  /  Radius                 For a sphere of uniform density

Kinetic energy            =  1/2 Mass Velocity^2

Gas pressure              =  2/3  KineticEnergyDensity
                          =  1/3  GasDensity  ThermalSpeed^2

Sound Speed               =  [Gamma  Pressure  /  Density]^1/2         Gamma=7/5 for air
                          =  [1/3  Gamma]^1/2  ThermalSpeed

Wave speed for a string   =  [Tension  /  MassPerLength]^1/2

Unit scaling

Suppose you are estimating the maximum speed of a car.

v = Maximum speed           V = v / 55.6 meters per second         55.6 m/s = 200 kilometers per hour
a = Area                    A = a / 3 meters^2
d = Air density             D = d / 1.2 kg/m^3                     Atmospheric density = 1.2 kg/m^3
p = Engine power            P = p / 149200 Watts                   149200 Watts = 200 Horsepower
Lower case variables are in S.I. units. Upper case variables are scaled so that they have a magnitude of ~ 1 for a typical car.

Drag formula:

p  =  1/2   d a v^3
P  =  2.07  D A V^3
With the scaled variables, values can be estimated at a glance. For example, a car with a 200 horsepower engine and a cross sectional area of 3 meters^2 has a maximum speed of
V = (2.07)^(-1/3) = .78                       ->  v = V * 200 kph = 157 kph

For a Formula-1 car,
P  ~   4
A  ~  2/3
V  ~  1.43           ->  v = 286 kilometers per hourm

Examples of order of magnitude analysis

* Telescopes
* Gravity, Pluto, and the definition of a planet
* Gases
* Blackbody radiation, stars, and the habitable zone
* Hubble's Law
* Mountains and the roundness of solar system objects
* Ancient Greek astronomy
* Human powered flight on Titan
* Heating of the Earth by radioactivity
* Solar energy
* Tides
* Viola strings
* Asteroid deflection
* Tables of numbers for order of magnitude estimation


terameter   =  1012
gigameter   =  109
megameter   =  106
kilometer   =  103
cm          =  10-2
mm          =  10-3
micrometer  =  10-6
nanometer   =  10-9
picometer   =  10-12
femtometer  =  10-15

Scientific notation

Examples of scientific notation.

    1   = 100  =  e0
   10   = 101  =  e1
  100   = 102  =  e2
  123   = 1.23*102  =  1.23e2
0.123   = 1.23*10-1  = 1.23e-1
The abbreviation "e" for "10^" comes from Fortran and is standard in all programming languages.

A measurement consists of a quantity and an estimated error. For example, you might measure the length of a room to be

Length  =  6.35 +- .02 meters
"6.35" is the quantity and ".02" is the estimated error>

Care should be taken to use an appropriate number of digits. For example,

Length  =  6.3     +- .02 meters                   Not enough digits in the measured quantity
Length  =  6.34    +- .02 meters                   Minimum number of digits to state the measured quantity
Length  =  6.342   +- .02 meters                   It is wise to to include an extra digit
Length  =  6.3421  +- .02 meters                   Too many digits.  The last digit is unnecessary.
The fractional error is defined as
Fractional error  =  Error  /  Measured quanitity
                  =   .02   /       6.34
                  =       .0032
6.3424  ->  6.342
6.3425  ->  6.342
6.3426  ->  6.343
If the last digit is even then round down, and if odd then round up. This helps to prevent bias in rounding. For example:
6.3405  ->  6.340
6.3415  ->  6.342
6.3425  ->  6.342
6.3435  ->  6.344
6.3445  ->  6.344

Unit conversion
                                 1609 meters        1 hour
1 mile/hour  =  1 miles/hour  *  -----------  *  ------------  =  .447 meters/second
                                   1 mile        3600 seconds