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Climate Science and Geoengineering
Dr. Jay Maron

Tree carbon capture
Land creation
Ocean iron fertilization
Space mirror
Iceberg freshwater
Climate data


The best near-term energy options are biomass and nuclear. Hydro is maxed out, solar and wind are growing too slowly, and tidal and geothermal are too feeble. Solar and wind are for the far future.

The best way to harness biomass energy is with trees, especially bamboo for its fast growth and ease of harvest. Trees can also capture atmospheric carbon. Tree production hinges on fertilizer. Making nitrogen fertilizer is easy with methane, hence this is an ideal use for methane. If you use methane to make fertilizer, then grow trees, then use them for energy, you produce more energy than the methane required to make the fertilizer. Also, the trees capture more carbon than was released by making the fertilizer. Article.

The energy lost to forest fires is substantial, and can be harnessed. Article.

Nuclear power is cheap and unlimited, and reactors can provide many things of value besides the usual heat and electricity. They can use transmutation to create precious metals and novel isotopes. A reactor's discard heat can heat a city. Radioactive waste contains valuable catalysts such as palladium and rhodium. New reactors have safety features that make melt-downs impossible. Article.

For producing steel, using coal produces much less carbon than by other means, hence coal is necessary.

Gasoline is necessary for combustion motors. The most convenient fuel for motors is liquid fuel. Gasoline is also necessary for aircraft turbines.

Atmospheric carbon can be captured with trees or ocean iron fertilizer.

Sea level rise is easily countered by creating new land. The land lost to sea level rise is 53000 km3 and the land created artificially is 25000 km2. New land is usually worth more than the cost of creating it. Article.

Global warming can be countered by increasing the Earth's reflectivity, by cloud seeding or a space mirror.

Electric vehicles improve cities because they can be compact and quiet. Article.

Energy is required for farming, chiefly through fertilizer. Modern farming can support 400 people/km2 and the current world population density is 52 people/km2. The world can support 8 times as many people. Article.

Tackling climate is a tradeoff. You need to both cool the Earth and maximimize energy production. Energy is important because energy begets wealth, and you need wealth to tackle climate. Energy generates wealth via

Energy   →   Primary materials   →   Manufacturing  →   Exports  →   Wealth.

Primary materials includes things like metals, chemicals, plastic, and lumber. Energy dominates the production of most primary materials and is also significant for manufacturing.

Energy and wealth are tightly correlated.

You want to make energy as abundant and cheap as possible, hence all energy sources should be maximized. Each energy source has a unique role. Natural gas is good for heat, coal is good for metal smelting, and oil is good for vehicle fuel.

Tree carbon capture

Douglas Fir

The atmospheric carbon increase of 4000 billion kg/year can be offset by planting 4 million km2 of trees. The fertilizer requirement is 340 billion $/year, and the value of the wood produced is substantially greater.

The amount of forest needed is:

Atmospheric carbon increase     = C        = 4000  billion kg/year
Forest carbon capture rate      = R        =  1.0  carbon kg/meter2/year
Forest needed to offset carbon  = A = C/R  =    4  million km2
The value of wood produced is:
Wood commodity price            = w        =   .3  $/kg
Wood carbon mass fraction       = c        =   .5
Value of wood produced          = W = Cw/c = 2400  billion $/year
The cost for nitrogen fertilizer is:
Wood nitrogen mass fraction     = n        =   .01
Nitrogen requiremnet            = N = Cn/c =    80  billion kg/year
Price of nitrogen in fertilizer = p        =   2.1  $/kg
Total nitrogen price            = P = p N  =   170  billion $/year

Trees also need potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, and their total cost is similar to that of the nitrogen. The total fertilizer cost is double the nitrogen cost, or 340 billion $/year.

Trees should be planted close to water. For existing trees, fertilizer should go to large trees that are close to water.

For new trees, chose trees that will become tall and wide. The largest trees are sequoias, redwoods, douglas firs, and eucalyptus. The fastest growing tree is bamboo, which produces 1 carbon kg/meter2/year.

World forest carbon:

Carbon in atmosphere         = 880  trillion kg
Carbon in plants             = 550  trillion kg
Carbon in trees              = 500  trillion kg
Total human-generated carbon = 300  trillion kg
Carbon from deforestation    =  36  trillion kg

Atmosphere carbon increase   =   4  trillion kg/year
Forest carbon capture rate   =  45  trillion kg/year
World forests
Deforestation rate           = .35  trillion kg/year
Carbon from forest fires     = .25  trillion kg/year
World forest area            =  39  million km2
Forest wood density          =  11  kg/meter2

Total wood carbon harvested  =4.56  trillion kg/year     Wood for power + wood for industry
Wood carbon for biomass power=1.59  trillion kg/year
Wood carbon for industry     =2.97  trillion kg/year

Land reclamation

Rising sea level has claimed 53000 km3 of land and civilization has created 25000 km3 of land. It's an easy matter to build land faster than the sea takes it, plus the new land has value.

              Gain       Loss
              km2        km2

World         25000     53375
China         13500
Netherlands    7000
South Korea    1550
USA            1000
Japan           500      2190
UAE             470
Bahrain         410
Singapore       135
Bangladesh      110
Ecuador                 28500
Vietnam                 14700
Sweden                   3290
Iraq                     3070
Bulgaria                 2030
Cuba                      980
Azerbaijan                580
El Salvador               130
St Kitts & Nevis           90
Seychelles                  5

Lowering the sea level by building islands

The sea level can be lowered by dredging material from the ocean floor and piling it onto land. Rivers and lakes can be dredged to create freshwater reservoirs.

Sea level rises by 3.1 mm/year, which can be offset by spending 1.5e18 Joules/year, which is 0.08 % of the world's energy expenditure. Civilization can easily offset sea level rise.

The energy required to lower the sea level by 1 mm is:

Earth ocean area                                    =  3.61e14  m2
Volume of water in 1mm of the ocean =  V            =      361  km3
Density of rock                     =  D            =     2800  kg/m3
Height that the rock is raised      =  Z            =       50  meter
Gravity constant                    =  g            =       10  m/s2
Mass of rock dredged                =  M  =  D V    =   1.0e15  kg
Energy of rock dredged              =  e  =  M g Z  =   5.0e17  Joules
World energy production             =  E            =   6.0e20  Joules/year

Ocean iron fertilizer

Antarctica, Ross Ice Shelf

Fertilizing the ocean with iron causes large-scale biomass growth, and when it dies it takes the carbon to the bottom of the ocean.

In the ocean the microbe nutrient requirement is:

Element     Relative mass

Carbon        1
Nitrogen       .18
Phosphorus     .024
Iron           .000044

Iron is insoluble in the ocean and is usually the limiting nutrient. Between nitrogen and phosphorus, nitrogen is usually the limiting nutrient. A small amount of iron fertilizer can capture a large amount of carbon.

Diatoms are microbes with silicon walls as opposed to conventional lipid membranes. If silicon is present then silicon microbes outcompete lipid microbes because silicon walls cost 8% as much energy to make as lipid membranes.

Diatoms are good carbon fixers because when they die they sink to the bottom of the ocean, and the carbon stays there.

The best place to fertilize the ocean with iron is the Antarctic Atlantic, where iron is scarce and silicon, nitrogen, and phosphorus are abundant. This is also the region where the ocean currents flow downward.

Ocean concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen, and silicon:

Asteroid geoengineering

Geothermal power
Global cooling
Phosphorus fertilizer
Aerosol launching

Asteroid iron and alloy
Asteroid cobalt
Asteroid platinum
Strip mining

Earthquake and volcano destressing
Aleutian gap

Asteroid hydro power

Asteroids have vast kinetic energy. A 1 km asteroid has as much energy as America's yearly output.

Asteroid energy can be harnessed with a lake. An asteroid blasts water out of a lake, then hydro energy is extracted as the lake refills. Asteroids can make a crater and a new lake, and it can make it deep. The deeper the better.

The ejected water should be freshwater so that it can irrigate or make snow. You need a big source of freshwater to extract the hydropower. The lake should be near a large river. The Yukon and MacKenzie rivers are large and in lightly-populated territory. Alaska is already earthquake prone.

The asteroid should be large enough to matter, but not large enough to cause excessive damage. The sweet spot is an asteroid around 300 meters in size, which makes a crater around 5 km in diameter and .5 km deep.

Global cooling

Volcanoes often cause global cooling, and the charts show historical cooling events.

Pinatubo is 1991

The "medieval warming period" had low volcanic activity.

Region        Volcano   Magma  Volcanic  Year  Temperature change   Sulfur dioxide
                         (km3)   index               Kelvin              MTon

Philippines   Pinatubo      25   6     1991     -.2             20
Mexico        El Chicon          5     1982     ?                7
Alaska        Novarupta     28   6     1912     +.2
Guatemala     Santa Maria   20   6     1902     -.1
Indonesia     Krakatoa      20   6     1883     -.4
Indonesia     Tambora      160   7     1815     -.5                 Caused the "Year without a summer"
Iceland       Laki          14   6     1783    -1
Peru          Huenaputina   30   6     1600     ?
Vanuatu                    108   7     1452     ?
New Zealand   Tarawera           5     1315     ?                   Famine of 1315-1317
Indonesia     Rinjani       10   7     1258     ?                   Caused the Little Ice Age that ended the Viking era
Iceland       Hekla 3        1   5     1159     ?
North Korea   Paektu       110   7      946     ?
Unknown                          7      535    -2
Indonesia     Lake Toba   2800   8   -72000    -1

Albedo cooling with snow

Canada fills with snow by October. If you hit a lake in Canada in September, you can make early snow and decrease the Albedo.

Strip mining

Meteors can uncover deep coal. Hilt's law states that the deeper the coal, the higher the quality tends to be. When coal is formed, the higher the formation temperature, the higher the quality.

The principal obstacles to deep mining are pumping water, and cooling. Asteroid strip mining solves both problems.

Irrigation with asteroids

The water launched by an asteroid strike can irrigate. 1/5 of rain that falls on land becomes rivers and lakes and it can be put back in the atmosphere.

Aerosol launching

Aerosols such as sulfuric acid cool the Earth if they're in the stratosphere. An asteroid strike can launch aerosols.

Aerosol fertilizing

An asteroid impact on a nutrient deposit launches nutrients into the air and fertilizes the Earth.

The macronutrients are phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Asteroid metal

A metal asteroid landing on Earth solves the world's iron problem and save us energy on smelting. Metal asteroids also have platinum-group metals, which are great catalysts.

Metal asteroids are dominantly iron, nickel, and cobalt, and this is good alloy. In 1 kg of asteroid,

          Mass       Metal       Value
          gram       $/kg          $

Iron        910            .75     .68
Nickel       67          16       1.07
Cobalt        6.3        33        .21
Platinum       .19    35000       6.6
Osmium         .0076  1600000    12.1
Rhodium        .0041  500000      2.05
Palladium      .0038   72000       .27

Aleutian gap

The Pacific and Arctic oceans don't have a deep-water connection because of the Aleutians. An asteroid can open a gap and enable deep-water circulation, enriching the deep oceans with oxygen.

Exposing hotspots for geothermal energy


A small asteroid can expose a hotspot and access geothermal energy. A big asteroid can make its own hot spot. A hot spot in the arctic can make steam heat.

The only hotspots that are in sparsely inhabited territory are in the Sahara, and there are 4 of them.

A volcano that has a danger of erupting can be triggered with an asteroid. You know when the asteroid will hit and you can evacuate. This can also be done with earthquakes.

The Yellowstone hotspot is 20 GWatts.

Human civilization              =  8e20  Joule/year
Asteroid energy, 1 km size      =  2e20  Joule
Hotspot heat energy, 10 km size =  3e22  Joule

Rock heat capacity              =  2000  Joule/Kelvin
Rock temperature change         =   500  Kelvin
Rock heat storage               =     1  MJoule/kg
Hot spot diameter               =    10  km
Hot spot mass                   =  3e15  kg

Phosphorus fertilizer

Asteroids can be propelled with hydrogen bombs. Article.

Moving asteroids

Asteroids can be propelled with hydrogen bombs. Article.

Space mirror

Jet Propulsion Laboratory designed a space mirror with the goal of minimizing the mass per area. It consists of mylar coated with aluminum.

Mirror surface density =     6  grams/meter2
Mirror thickness       = .0043  mm       (Mylar coated with aluminum)
Mylar density          =  1.39  g/cm3
Aluminum density       =  2.70  g/cm3

Space mirror

A space mirror can cool the Earth. Greenhouse gases generated by humans have increased the sun's effective brightness by 1.5 Watts/meter2. The size of a mirror required to cancel this is 560000 km2, which costs 3.4 trillion dollars to launch.

Greenhouse gas forcing preindustrial          =   1.5 Watts/meter2
Greenhouse gas forcing now                    =   3.0 Watts/meter2
Solar forcing change                = I       =   1.5 Watts/meter2
Solar forcing increase rate                   =  .031 Watts/meter2/year
Earth surface area                  = A       =   510 Million km2
Solar power change                  = P = IA  =   765 TWatts
Solar intensity                     = I       =  1361 Watts/meter2
Mirror area                         = A = P/I =560000 km2   =   (750 km)2
Mirror mass/area                    = D       =  .006 kg/meter2
Mirror mass                         = M = DA  =   3.4 billion kg
Launch cost per kg                            =  1000 $/kg
Mirror launch cost                            =   3.4 trillion $

Iceberg freshwater

Iceberg B15

Antarctic icebergs can be moved to places in the tropics where sun is abundant but water is scarce. The energy required to move the iceberg costs far less than the value of the freshwater delivered.

Ocean currents can help save energy. The South Indian Current brings icebergs to Australia, The South Pacific current brings icebergs to Chile, and the South Atlantic current brings icebergs to Africa.

We calculate the energy required to move an iceberg for a typical iceberg.

Energy required to move an iceberg  =  Constant  *  Distance moved  *  Velocity2

Iceberg height           =  Z               =    .5 km
Iceberg sice length      =  X               =    10 km
Density of ice           =  d               =   917 kg/m3
Density of seawater      =  D               =  1025 kg/m3
Iceberg mass             =  M  = d X2 Z     =    46 trillion kg

Iceberg distance traveled=  L               =  1000 km     (Assume ocean currents help)
Iceberg travel time      =  T               =     1 year
Iceberg speed            =  V  =  L/T       =   .03 m/s

Drag force               =  F = ½ D X Z V2  =   2.3 million Newtons
Drag energy              =  E  =  F L       =  2300 GJoules
Drag power               =  P  =  F V       =    69 kWatts
Energy cost              =  e               =    36 MJoules/$
Freshwater value per kg  =  z               = .0001 $/kg
Iceberg freshwater value =  Z  =  M z       =     5 billion $

The iceberg should move as slow as possible but it should move fast enough to reach its destination before melting. We assume a travel time of 1 year, and this determines the velocity. Presumably, measures can be taken to slow melting such as covering the iceberg with a white tarp.

Cooling the Earth with aerosols and cloud seeding

Clouds can be formed with sulfuric acid cloud seeding. Sulfur can be put into the atmosphere in the form of H2SO4, H2S, or SO2. Sulfur lasts 4 years in the atmosphere and has to be replenished. Power from the jet stream can be used to launch sulfur.



Earth mean temperature       = 288   Kelvin
Current rate of increase     =   1.7 Kelvin/century
Temperature in 1800          =   -.9 Kelvin compared to present
Temperature in 1000          =   -.5 Kelvin compared to present

Carbon dioxide

Atmosphere CO2 fraction    =  .00041
CO2 fraction in 1700       =  .00027
CO2 fraction last ice age  =  .00018             (1 million years ago)
CO2 fraction increase rate =  .000002 per year
Atmospheric carbon         =880000⋅109 kg       = 121000   tons/person

Greenhouse gases

Gas        Year      Year     Contribution  Radiation  Half life
           1750      2015     to warming     change     (years)
           (ppm)     (ppm)                  (Watts/m2)
H2O                             36-72%
CO2       280       395          9-26%        1.88        60
CH4          .7       1.79       4-9%          .49        12
O3           .237      .337      3-7%          .4           .05
N2O          .270      .325                    .17       114
CCl2F2       0         .000527                 .169      100
CCl3F        0         .000235                 .061       60
CHClF2       0         .00022                  .046       12
"ppm" stands for parts per million.
"Radiation change" is the change in power absorbed by the Earth due to the molecule, with the change tabulated from 1750 to the present.
"Half life" is the half life in the atmosphere. The sun regenerates 12% of the ozone layer each day.
A halocarbon is a molecule composed of carbon and halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine). There are no natural sources of halocarbons and so the pre-industrial level is zero.
Sea level

6 meter rise in sea level

Sea level rise since 1870          =   225 mm
Sea level rise if Greenland melts  =  7200 mm
Sea level rise if Antarctica melts = 61100 mm

Total rate of sea level rise       =  2.8 mm/year     3.3
Greenland melting rate             =   .6 mm/year      .049
Antarctica melting rate            =   .2 mm/year      .026
Glacier melting rate               =   .3 mm/year     1.2
Thermal expansion rate             =   .8 mm/year     1.4

Acceleration of sea level rise     = .013 mm/year/year
Ocean heat gain                    =    5 ZJoules/year


             Volume     Change
              kkm3      km3/yr

Ocean           1338000      1200
Groundwater       23400
Ground ice          300
Lake                176.4
Mountains            40.6
Atmosphere           12.9
Swamp                11.5
River                 2.12
Biomass               1.12

Ice, Antarctica   21600      -191
Ice, Greenland     2340      -247
Ice, Canada islands  83.5     -60
Ice, Alaska          44.6     -50
Ice, Russia, NE      33.8      -2
Ice, Himalayas       23.7     -26
Ice, Svalbard        13.3      -5
Ice, Andes, South    11.7     -29
Ice, Iceland          8.7     -10
Ice, Canada, West     2.6     -14
Ice, Scandinavia       .8      -2
Ice, Swiss Alps        .3      -2
Ice, New Zealand       .3       0
Ice, Caucuses          .2      -1
Ice, Russian islands          -11
Ice, Andes, North              -4

Ocean heat

World climate summary

Atmosphere temperature rise=   .017 Kelvin/year      (.9 Kelvin since 1800)
Sea level rise             =  2.8   mm/year          (225 mm since 1800)
Atmosphere CO2 frac        =   .0035                 (.0027 in 1800)
Atmosphere carbon          =720     Gtons
Photosynthesis of carbon   =120     Gtons/year
Human carbon emissions     =  9     Gtons/year   = 1240   kg/person/year
Energy produced            =   .57  ZJoules/year =   78.6 GJ/person/year = 2490 Watts/person
Electricity produced       =   .067 ZJoules/year =    9.2 GJ/person/year =  292 Watts/person
Food                       =   .027 ZJoules/year =    3.7 GJ/person/year =  117 Watts/person  =  2500 Cal/person/day
Sunlight energy            =3850    ZJoules/year
Wind energy                =  2.25  ZJoules/year
Photosynthesis of biomass  =  3.00  ZJoules/year
Ocean heat gain            =  7.5   ZJoules/year
World power                = 18     TWatts       = 4500   Watts/person
Energy cost                = 16     T$/year      = 2210   $/person/year   (27.8 $/GJoule)
Population                 =  7.254 billion
Food                       =  1.58  Tkg/year     =  218   kg/person/year  (As carbs)
Earth land area            =148.9   Mkm2         =    2.0 Hectares/person
Rainfall over land         =107000  km3/year     =14800   tons/person/year
River flow                 = 37300  km3/year     = 5140   tons/person/year
Water total use            =  9700  km3/year     = 1390   tons/person/year
Water for agriculture      =  1526  km3/year     =  218   tons/person/year
Water for home use         =   776  km3/year     =  111   tons/person/year
Water desalinated          =    36  km3/year     =    5   tons/person/year
Rainfall increase per year =   .20  mm/year          (Rainfall is increasing with time)
The above table can be used to convert various quantities, such as:
Energy of hydrocarbon food                      17  MJoules/kg
Agricultural water required to produce food   1000  litres/kg       (in the form of carbohydrates)
Electricity cost                               100  $/MWh           =  2.78⋅10-8 $/Joule
Agricultural water required to produce food   1000  litres/kg       (in the form of carbohydrates)
World average                               722000  people per kg3 of water used

The Sun

Sunspot number correlates with solar intensity.

Solar intensity has long-term variations and these impact climate. The sun is presently dimming.

Carbon-14 is a proxy for solar intensity.

Sunspots impact cosmic rays, and cosmic rays have an impact on climate by forming clouds.

Sun intensity average             =  1366.0 Watts/meter2
Sun intensity at sunspot maximum  =  1367.0 Watts/meter2
Sun intensity at sunspot minimum  =  1365.1 Watts/meter2


Animals are 1/6 carbon and trees are 1/2 carbon.

Mammal and bird biomass

For mammals and birds, domestic biomass far exceeds wild biomass.

Bird biomass

Food biomass

Energy for manufacturing

Primary energy for manufacturing is dominated by steel, concrete, hydrogen, and plastic.


Producing biomass requires fertilizer, water, and sunlight. The chief fertilizer elements are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Nitrogen usually comes in the form of urea and it is produced from methane via:

Methane CH4  →  Hydrogen H2  →  Ammonia NH3  →  Urea CO(NH2)2

45% of hydrogen production becomes ammonia and 80% of ammonia becomes fertilizer.

Fertilizer begets crop biomass, which begets animal biomass. Crop biomass is dominated by sugar cane, rice, wheat, soy, and maize. Animal biomass is dominated by humans, cattle, and pigs.


The chief fertilizer elements are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Phosphorus is a concern because reserves are limited.

World production and reserves for fertilizer elements are:

           World   Fertilizer  Reserves  Carbon  Carbon    Cost  Element   Usual form
          Bkg/year  Bkg/year     Bkg     kg/kg   Bkg/year   B$    $/kg

Nitrogen    158      30.0    Infinite     1.09    32.7     170      5.66   Urea                     CO(NH2)2
Phosphorus   22      11.0         260     1.30    14.3     616     56      Monoammonium phosphate   NH4H2PO4
Potassium    34      11.0        3240     2.64    29.0     130     11.8    Potassium chloride       KCl

"Carbon kg/kg" is the carbon emitted to produce 1 kg of element.
"Carbon Bkg/year" is the carbon emitted by the world due to the fertilizer element.
"Cost" is the the carbon emitted by the world due to the fertilizer element.
"Element $/kg" is the price of the element per kg.


Forest fires

Data: Insurance Information Institute, averaged over 2014-2018.

American forests


World forests

          World fraction  Forest  Deforestation  Fires
                %          Bkg       Bkg/yr      Bkg/yr

South America   22        96000        400         50
Russia          21        92000          ?        100
Africa          17        73000        240         50
Canada          12.6      55000          0         50
USA              7.9      34800          0         15
S.E. Asia        5.9      26000       -120         10
China            5.3      23300       -170         20
E.U.             4.1      18000        -40          3
Asian Islands    3.6      15800         30         10
Australia + NZ   3.2      14100          ?         20
C. America       2.7      11900         60          5

World            1000    440000        350        250

Masses are for carbon. Data:

Antarctic wind power
Cape Denison, Antarctica
Katabatic wind
Douglas Mawson collecting ice in a 45 m/s wind

The windiest place on the planet is Cape Denison, Antarctica, with a year-round average wind speed of 25 m/s. Wind turbine power scales as windspeed cubed.

Katabatic winds continuously blow from the Antarctic center to the coast, gaining energy as they flow downward. The wind at Cape Denison always blows in the same direction, simplifying construction.

A 10 km array of wind turbines at Cape Denison can generate 5 GWatts.

Wind turbine height  =  H  =  100 meters
Coastline length     =  L  =   10 km
Wind speed           =  V  =   25 meters/second
Efficiency           =  f  =  1/4
Air density          =  D  =  1.22 km/meter3
Power                =  P  =  f D H L V3  =  4.8 GWatts

The power can be used to produce metals. Ore is brought to Antarctica and extracted with electricity. Suitable candidates include titanium, magnesium, and aluminum.

Jet stream power

Tropical jet stream lower altitude =   7 km
Tropical jet stream upper altitude =  12 km
Tropical jet stream latitude       =  30 degrees
Tropical jet stream typical speed  =  45 m/s
Polar jet stream lower altitude    =  10 km
Polar jet stream upper altitude    =  16 km
Polar jet stream lattitude         =  60 degrees
Polar jet stream typical speed     =  35 m/s
Jet stream width                   = 200 km
Jet stream vertical thickness      =   5 km
Jet stream year of discovery       =1933       (Wiley Post)
Estimated harnessable power        = 100 TW


Cooling the Earth


The Earth can be made more reflective by cutting down arctic trees, because snow is more reflective than trees. On the other hand, trees make the Earth more reflective by capturing carbon and decreasing greenhouse heating. The question is if it's better to leave the tree up or to cut it down, and it turns out it's better to cut it down.

Trees are less reflective than grass or crops, so cutting down trees in tropical territory and replacing them with farms makes the Earth more reflective.

An old forest is carbon neutral. Live trees capture carbon and dead trees give it back to the atmosphere. A young forest is carbon negative. The carbon in an old forest can be sequestered by turning the trees into building material, and a young forest can be planted in its place.

A good choice for a young forest is bamboo, because bamboo trunks are close together. A young bamboo forest achieves full coverage and maximum growth rate. Also, bamboo is easily harvested because it's light in side branches.

Another choice is trees that yield nuts or fruit.

Brazil nut

Another choice is trees that yield valuable lumber.

Ivory and blackwood

Instead of trees, you can use land for sugar cane, which yields carbon-neutral ethanol fuel. You can also farm.

Trees should be planted near water, because trees need lots of water. Ideally, they should cast shade over the water, because trees are more reflective than water.


California population    = 39.1  million people
California area          =424    thousand km2
California rainfall      =   .56 meters                 Averaged over state
Sacramento River         = 25.1  km3/year
Klamath River            = 15.3  km3/year
Eel River                =  9.5  km3/year
San Joaquin River        =  4.6  km3/year
Smith River              =  3.34 km3/year
Russian River            =  2.02 km3/year
Mad River                =  1.39 km3/year
Navarro River            =   .44 km3/year
Santa Ana River          =   .41 km3/year
Salinas River            =   .38 km3/year
California river total   = 87    km3/year
California rainfall      =237    km3/year
Water from Colorado Riv. =   .51 km3/year    Water from outside the state
Groundwater overdraft    = 15    km3/year    Groundwater not replaced
Water total use          =108    km3/year    Households and agricultural
Water for agricultural   = 41.9  km3/year
Water for households     = 10.9  km3/year
Water flowing thru delta = 20.3  km3/year    Water flowing into SF Bay
Water exported from delta= 13.3  km3/year    San Francisco Bay Delta
Aqueduct: Central Valley =  8.9  km3/year    Central Valley Project
Aqueduct: State Water    =  3.5  km3/year    State Water Project
Aqueduct: Los Angeles    =   .49 km3/year
Aqueduct: Mokelumne      =   .45 km3/year
Aqueduct: Hetch Hetchy   =   .33 km3/year
Aqueduct: North Bay      =   .05 km3/year
Household total water use=504    m3/house/year
Household indoor use     =237    m3/house/year
Household landscaping use=267    m3/house/year
San Francisco Bay
San Francisco River Delta

Shasta Dam
Oroville Dam

              Ave   Max   Height  Vol   Area   Year
              (GW)  (GW)   (m)   (km^3) (km^2) completed

Shasta Dam    .206  .676   100     5.6   120   1945
Oroville Dam  .170  .819   187     4.4    64   1968
New Bullards  .150  .340   398     1.2    20   1969
Folsom Dam    .079  .199    91     1.4    48   1956
New Don Pedro .071  .203   170     2.5    52   1971
Parker Dam    .052  .120            .8    78   1938
Pine Flat Dam .048  .165   129     1.2    24   1954
Trinity Dam   .041  .140   130     3.0    72   1962
New Melones   .037  .300   150     3.0    51   1979
New Exchequer .036  .094   133     1.3    29   1967
Canyon Dam    .018  .041   109     1.6   114   1927
Monticello    .007  .012           2.0    84   1957
San Luis Dam        .424           2.5    51   1967
Oroville dam height         =  235 meters             Tallest dam in the USA
Lake Oroville lake volume   = 4.36 km3
Lake Oroville lake area     =   63 km2
Lake Oroville catchment area=10200 km2     Area of land that drains into Lake Oroville

Colorado River

Drainage basin         = 6.4e5 km2
Farmland supported     = 14000 km2
Flow rate              =   637 m3/s       (Very little makes it to the ocean)
Hoover dam salt flow   =   9e6 tons salt/year
Total river flow       = 20.3  km3/year
Upper basin allotment  =  9.22 km3/year   (Utah, Wyoming, Colorado)
Lower basin allotment  =  9.22 km3/year   (California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico)
Mexico allotment       =  1.84 km3/year
California fraction    =  .267            (Fraction of river allotted to California)
Colorado fraction      =  .235
Arizona fraction       =  .170
Utah fraction          =  .104
Wyoming fraction       =  .064
New Mexico fraction    =  .051
Nevada fraction        =  .018
Mexico fraction        =  .091
Green River            =   171 m3/s       (Tributary)
Gunnison River         =    73 m3/s       (Tributary)
San Juan River         =    62 m3/s       (Tributary)
Dolores River          =    18 m3/s       (Tributary)
Little Colorado River  =    12 m3/s       (Tributary)
Colorado River
Hoover dam
Glen Canyon Dam
              Ave   Max   Height  Vol   Area   Year
              (GW)  (GW)   (m)   (km^3) (km^2) completed

Hoover Dam    .48   2.08   180    35.2  640    1936
Glen Canyon   .40   1.30   160    32.3  653    1966
Davis Dam     .131   .255   41      .2  107    1951
Parker Dam    .052   .120           .8   78    1938
Flaming Gorge .039   .153  120     4.7  170    1964
Morrow Point  .033   .173  126      .1    3    1968
Blue Mesa     .023   .086  101     1.2   37    1966
Horse Mesa    .015   .129           .3   11    1927
Navajo Dam    .015   .032  116     2.1   63    1962

Ave:     Average power generation in GWatts
Max:     Max power capacity in GWatts
Height:  Height of waterfall for power generation
Vol:     Volume of reservoir
Area:    Area of reservoir
California is the most water-stressed state in terms of tons of rain per person.
          People    Land   People    Rain  Tons of
          (10^6)   (10^6    /Ha      (m)    rain
                    km^2)                  /person

World     7254    148.9     .49      .990   20.2
USA        321.4    9.53    .33      .715   21.7
Mexico     121.7    1.96    .61      .758   12.2
Montana      1.03  .381     .27      .390  144
Wyoming       .59  .253     .23      .328  141
Nebraska     1.90  .200     .95      .599   63.1
New Mexico   2.09  .315     .66      .371   56.0
Idaho        1.65  .216     .76      .481   54.7
Kansas       2.91  .213    1.37      .733   53.5
Oregon       4.03  .255    1.58      .695   44.0
Oklahoma     3.91  .181    2.16      .927   43.9
Iowa         3.12  .146    2.14      .864   40.4
Missouri     6.08  .181    3.36     1.071   31.9
Washington   7.17  .185    3.88      .976   25.2
Wisconsin    5.77  .170    3.39      .829   24.5
Nevada       2.89  .286    1.01      .241   23.9
Utah         3.00  .220    1.36      .310   22.8
Colorado     5.46  .270    2.02      .405   20.0
Texas       27.47  .696    3.95      .734   18.6
Arizona      6.83  .295    2.32      .345   14.9
California  39.14  .424    9.23      .563    6.1

Rogue forestry

Douglas Fir

Humans add carbon to the atmosphere at a rate of 550 kg/person/year, and planting a tree captures 100 kg/year. For a typical tree,

World population            =  7.25 billion people
Atmosphere carbon increase  =  4000 billion kg/year  =  550 kg/person/year
Tree carbon capture per area=     1 kg/meter2/year
Tree area                   =   100 meters2
Tree carbon capture rate    =   100 kg/year


In cities, trees with taproots should be used. Trees with flat roots destroy structures.

A tree should have the following properties:

*) Wide and tall trunk
*) Fast-growing
*) No obnoxious emissions like cottonwood seeds.
*) Taproot (if near buildings)

Tap roots: White Oak, Hickory, Walnut, Conifer, Pine, Hornbeam, Pine
Heart roots: Red Oak, Sycamore
Flat roots: Evergeen, Bamboo, Willow, Poplar, Maple, Cottonwood, Redwood, Ash


60% of a tree's mass is in the trunk.

                  Tree mass fraction
Transport roots         .15
Fine roots              .05
Trunk                   .60
Branches                .15
Leaves                  .05

Tree volume can be estimated from height and trunk diameter. For a typical large tree,

Height         = H      =  30 meters
Diameter       = R      =   1 meters          Measured 1.5 meters above the ground
Volume         = V ∼ .25 π H R2
Wood density   = D      = 600 kg/meter2       Density can vary from 300 to 1100 kg/m3
Tree mass      = M = DV =3500 kg
Carbon fraction= f      =  .5
Carbon mass    = m = fM =1800 kg

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