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Particle Charge Mass Proton +1 1 Composed of 2 up quarks, 1 down quark, and gluons Neutron 0 1.0012 Composed of 1 up quark, 2 down quarks, and gluons Electron -1 .000544 Up quark +2/3 .0024 Down quark -1/3 .0048 Photon 0 0 Carries the electromagnetic force and binds electrons to the nucleus Gluon 0 0 Carries the strong force and binds quarks, protons, and neutronsCharge and mass are relative to the proton.
All of these particles are stable except for the neutron, which has a half life of 611 seconds.
Proton charge = 1.6022 Coulombs Proton mass = 1.673⋅10-27 kg Electron mass = 9.11⋅10-31 kg Hydrogen mass = Proton mass + Electron mass = 1.6739⋅10-27 kg
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An element has a fixed number of protons and a variable number of neutrons. Each neutron number corresponds to a different isotope. Naturally-occuring elements tend to be a mix of isotopes.
Isotope Protons Neutrons Natural fraction Hydrogen-1 1 0 .9998 Hydrogen-2 1 1 .0002 Helium-3 2 1 .000002 Helium-4 2 2 .999998 Lithium-6 3 3 .05 Lithium-7 3 4 .95 Beryllium-9 4 5 1 Boron-10 5 5 .20 Boron-11 5 6 .80 Carbon-12 6 6 .989 Carbon-13 6 7 .011Teaching simulation for isotopes at phet.colorado.edu
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Alpha particle = Helium nucleus = 2 Protons and 2 Neutrons Beta particle = Electron Gamma ray = Photon Alpha decay: Uranium-235 -> Thorium-231 + Alpha Beta decay: Neutron -> Proton + Electron + Antineutrino (From the point of view of nuclei) Beta decay: Down quark -> Up quark + Electron + Antineutrino (From the point of view of quarks)Beta decay is an example of the "weak force".
For a radioactive material,
Time = T Half life = Th Original mass = M Mass remaining after time "T" = m = M exp(-T/Th)
Suppose an element has a half life of 2 years.
Time Mass of element remaining (kg) 0 1 2 1/2 4 1/4 6 1/8 8 1/16
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The weak force can convert a neutron into a proton, ejecting a high-energy electron.
From the point of view of nucleons: Neutron -> Proton + electron + antineutrino From the point of view of quarks: Down quark -> Up quark + electron + antineutrino
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Hydrogen fusion requires a temperature of at least 4 million Kelvin, which requires an object with at least 0.08 solar masses. This is the minimum mass to be a star.
P + P → D + Positron + Neutrino + .42 MeV P + D → He3 + Photon + 5.49 MeV He3 + He3 → He4 + P + P + 12.86 MeV
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As the core of a star star runs out of hydrogen it contracts and heats, and helium fusion begins when the temperature reaches 10 million Kelvin
He4 + He4 -> Be8 - .092 MeV Be8 + He4 -> C12 + 7.367 MeV C12 + He4 -> O16 + Gamma + 7.162 MeV
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At temperatures above 17 million Kelvin, carbon-catalyzed fusion happens faster than proton-proton fusion. This occurs in stars more massive than 1.3 solar masses.
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A heavy star continues to fuse elements until it reaches Iron-56. Beyond this, fusion absorbs energy rather than releasing it, triggering a runaway core collapse that fuses elements up to Uranium. If the star explodes as a supernova then these elements are ejected into interstellar space.
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Star type Mass Luminosity Color Temp Lifetime Death Remnant Size of Output (solar (solar (Kelvin) (billions remnant masses) luminosities) of years) Brown Dwarf <.08 1000 immortal Red Dwarf .1 .0001 red 2000 1000 Red giant White dwarf Earth The Sun 1 1 white 5500 10 Red giant White dwarf Earth Light elements Blue star 10 10000 blue 10000 .01 Supernova Neutron star Manhattan Heavy elements Blue giant 20 100000 blue 20000 .01 Supernova Black hole Central Park Heavy elementsFate of stars, with mass in solar masses:
Mass < 9 → End as red giants and then turn white dwarf. 9 < Mass → End as supernova 9 < Mass < 20 → Remnant is a neutron star. 20 < Mass → Remnant is a black hole. 130 < Mass < 250 → Pair-instability supernova (if the star has low metallicity) 250 < Mass → Photodisintegration supernova, producing a black hole and relativistic jets.
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A neutron triggers the fission of Uranium-235 and plutonium-239,
releasing energy and more neutrons. The released neutrons trigger further
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A fission of uranium-235 releases on average 1.86 neutrons, some of which trigger fission in nearby nuclei and some of which escape without triggering fission. If a sphere of uranium-235 is small then most of the neutrons escape before triggering fission and the sphere doesn't blow up. If the sphere is large then most of the neutrons trigger more fission, a chain reaction occurs and the sphere blows up. The threshold for a chain reaction is the "critical mass".
The nuclei that are capable of undergoing a chain reaction are:
Protons Neutrons Critical Halflife Neutrons per mass (kg) (106 yr) fission Uranium-233 92 141 16 .160 2.48 Uranium-235 92 143 52 700 1.86 Plutonium-239 94 145 10 .024 2.16
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If you bring two pieces of uranium-235 together too slowly, a chain reaction begins in the near side of each piece, generates heat, and blows the two pieces apart before they can come completely together. Only a small amount of uranium undergoes fission and this is referred to as a "fizzle". Using gunpowder and a cannon is fast enough to properly detonate uranium and this is technologically easy to do.
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Plutonium is more difficult to detonate than uranium. Simply bringing two pieces together, no matter how fast, results in a fizzle. To detonate plutonium you have to shape it as a sphere and implode it, which is technologically difficult.
In World War 2 the U.S. produced enough uranium for 1 bomb and enough plutonium for 2 bombs. One of the plutonium bombs was tested in the "Trinity" test before being used in the war, and the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. The uranium bomb was dropped on Hiroshima without previously being tested.
When Hans Bethe, a physicist on the Manhattan project, was asked why they didn't test the uranium bomb he replied "Because we were perfectly sure it would work".
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Natural Uranium is .72% Uranium-235 and 99.3% Uranium-238. Only Uranium-235 undergoes a chain reaction and so it has to be separated from the Uranium-238. Several methods exist for doing this. In World War 2 the isotopes were separated magnetically with calutrons. Gas diffusion and centrifuges can also be used.
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Uranium is converted to gas form by forming uranium hexafluoride (HF6). HF6 is a gas above 64 Celsius. In a centrifuge, the lighter uranium-235 concentrates at the center and the heavier uranium-238 concentrates at the edge.
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Blue elements are unstable with a half life much less than the age of the solar system and don't exist in nature.
The only elements heavier than Bismuth that can be found on the Earth are Thorium and Uranium, and these are the only elements that can be tapped for fission energy.
Natural thorium is 100% Thorium-232
Natural uranium is .7% Uranium-235 and the rest is Uranium-238.
Plutonium has a short half life and doesn't exist in nature. It can be created by subjecting uranium-238 to neutrons in a nuclear reactor. Fissionable uranium-233 can be created from thorium-232.
Uranium-238 + Neutron → Plutonium-239 Thorium-232 + Neutron → Uranium-233 Detail: Uranium-238 + Neutron → Uranium-239 Uranium-239 → Neptunium-239 + Electron + Antineutrino Halflife = 23 minutes Neptunium-239 → Plutonium-239 + Electron + Antineutrino Halflife = 2.4 days Thorium-232 + Neutron → Thorium-233 Thorium-233 → Protactinium-233 + Electron + Antineutrino Halflife = 22 minutes Protactinium-233 → Uranium-233 + Electron + Antineutrino Halflife = 27.0 days
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Fusion bombs use the reactions:
Neutron + Lithium6 → Tritium + Helium4 + 4.874 MeV Deuterium + Tritium → Helium4 + Neutron + 17.56 MeVLeaving out the neutron catalyst, this is
Deuterium + Lithium6 → Helium4 + Helium4 + 22.43 MeV
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Fusion of deuterium and lithium requires high temperature and pressure, which is achieved by compressing the fuel. This is done by detonating a fission bomb and using the generated X-rays to compress the fusion fuel. X-rays strike the outer layer and expel atoms, and the recoil compresses the fuel. This is called "ablation" and the design was developed by Teller and Ulam.
X-ray Plasma Ablation pressure pressure pressure TPa TPa TPa Ivy Mike 7.3 35 530 W-80 140 750 6400
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The practical limit for the energy/mass of a fusion bomb = 25 TJoules/kg or .0062 Mtons of TNT per kg.
1 ton of TNT = 4⋅109 Joules 1 ton of gasoline = 4⋅1010 Joules Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb = .000011 MTons TNT (Largest U.S. conventional bomb) Trinity plutonium-239 test = .020 MTons TNT Hiroshima uranium-235 fission bomb = .015 MTons TNT "Little Boy". 60 kg Uranium-235 Nagasaki plutonium-239 fission bomb = .021 MTons TNT "Fat Man". 6 kg Plutonium-239 Ivy King fission bomb = .5 MTons TNT Largest pure fission bomb B83 fusion bomb = 1.2 MTons TNT Largest bomb in active service Castle Bravo fusion bomb = 15 MTons TNT Largest U.S. test B41 fusion bomb = 25 MTons TNT Largest U.S. bomb created Tsar Bomba = 50 MTons TNT Largest USSR test
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1885 Rontgen discovers X-rays 1899 Rutherford discovers alpha and beta rays 1903 Rutherford discovers gamma rays 1905 Einstein discovers that E=mc2. Matter is equivalent to energy 1909 Nucleus discovered by the Rutherford scattering experiment 1932 Neutron discovered 1933 Nuclear fission chain reaction envisioned by Szilard 1934 Fermi bombards uranium with neutrons and creates Plutonium 1938 Dec19 Hahn and Strassmann discover uranium fission 1939 Jan 6 Hahn and Strassmann publish uranium fission 1939 Jan25 Fermi begins conducting nuclear fission experiments at Columbia University 1939 Jan26 Bohr and Fermi report on uranium fission at the Washington Conference on theoretical physics 1939 Szilard and Zinn discover that bombarding uranium with neutrons produces new neutrons. 1939 Jul 4 Szilard, Wigner, and Einstein discuss nuclear fission 1939 Aug 2 Szilard, Teller, and Einstein discuss nuclear fission. Szilard drafts the the "Einstein letter" that is later delivered to President Roosevelt 1939 Oct11 Alexander Sachs briefs President Roosevelt on Einstein's letter. 1939 Oct12 Alexander Sachs meets again with President Roosevelt and this time Roosevelt gives the order to commence the development of a nuclear bomb. 1942 Dec 2 Fermi and Szilard achieve the first self-sustaining nuclear fission reactor at the University of Chicago 1942 Aug Manhattan project commences 1942-1945 German nuclear bomb project goes nowhere 1945 Jul16 Trinity test of a plutonium bomb yields a 20 kTon TNT equivalent explosion 1945 Aug 6 A uranium bomb is deployed at Hiroshima, yielding 15 kTons TNT equivalent 1945 Aug 9 A plutonium bomb is deployed at Nagasaki, yielding 21 kTons TNT equivalentHans Bethe, a physicist on the Manhattan Project, was asked why the uranium type bomb was not tested before deployment and he replied "Because we were perfectly sure it would work".
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All of the radioactive fission products decay by beta decay.
If the neutron cross section is 8 barnes or higher then the nucleus can potentially be transmuted into a nonradioactive nucleus.
Strontium-90 is ideal for Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs).
The most troublesome fission products are the ones that can't be transmuted. Chief among these are Caesium-137, Zirconium-93, Niobium-94, Strontium-90, Zirconium-91, and Palladium-107.
Using the sun as a fusion reactor and harnessing it with photocells will always be cheaper than Earth-based fusion.
For fusion by tokamak or laser, the power/$ and energy/$ are too weak for profitability by orders of magntitude. Photocells have much better power/$ than fusion reactors.
Earth-based fusion requires tritium, which can only be made in fission reactors. A fission produces 180 MeV plus a tritium, and fusing the tritium produces 22 MeV.
Tritium decays to helium-3, and helium-3 is needed for dilution refrigerators, which are needed for technologies like quantum computing. All tritium should be given over to dilution refrigerators.
Earth-based fusion produces neutrons, which make the lab radioactive. The sun's radioactivity is shielded by the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere.
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For electricity,
Power/$ Energy/$ Watt/$ MJoule/$ Generator 10 100 Gasoline, natural gas, or coal Fission 2 1300 Photoelectric .6 400 Tokamak, ITER .022 14 International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Laser, NIF .00000002 .000006 National Ignition Facility
Plasma fusion and laser fusion are barely able to reach ignition and profitability is far off.
Fusion power scales as radius cubed times magnetic field to the 4th power. Magnetic field is topped out, so the way forward is increasing size.
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Helium-3 can be mined from the moon but it's unprofitable. It's more cheaply made in fission reactors. Fission reactors should be breeding tritium and helium-3.
The easiest fusion reaction is deuterium+tritium, and tritium comes from fission. Fission produces 180 MeV of energy and a tritium. Fusing the tritium with deuterium gives 18 MeV, much less than the fission.
Fission reactors are usually used for electricity and heat but they can do more, such as creating valuable elements by transmutation. They can transmute cheap tungsten into valuable rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold. They can make medical isotopes and they can do neutron cancer therapy. They can make neutrons for scientific research. They can make nuclear batteries.
Burnt fission fuel has rhodium and palladium, which are valuable catalysts. The older the burnt fuel, the less radioactive it is, and the easier it is to extract these elements. Article on fission reactors.
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A tokamak confines a plasma by using magnetic fields to steer plasma particles around a torus. Virtue is size and magnetic field strength. The larger the values, the longer the plasma confinement time and the larger the plasma density.
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In laser fusion, lasers compress a sphere of fuel to a density and temperature high enough for fusion. The sphere consists of fusion fuel in the interior and an ablation layer in an outer shell. The laser ejects atoms from the ablation layer and the recoil compresses the fuel. The compression needs to be spherically symmetric and so a large number of lasers are used to evenly distribute the energy over the sphere. This technique is referred to as "inertial confinement".
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In the National Ignition Facility, 192 lasers (at left) are focused onto a target (at right). Fiber optics steer laser beams.
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The easiest fusion reaction is
Deuterium + Tritium → Helium (3.5 MeV) + Neutron (14.1 MeV)
The optimal temperature is 26 keV and other fusion reactions need higher temperature.
Other fusion reactions include:
Temeperature Lawson Density*Time keV e20 keV s/m3 e20 s/m3 Deuterium + Tritium 26 39 1.5 Deuterium + Helium 100 400 4 Deuterium + Deuterium 100 1020 10.2 Proton + Boron11 200 100000 500
"Temperature" is the optimum temperature for fusion.
"Lawson" is the Lawson criterion required for ignition.
"Density*Time" is the density times confinenment time needed for ignition at the optimal temperature.
To ignite fusion, the "Lawson criterion" must exceed a critical value. The Lawson criterion is the product of confinement time, plasma density, and temperature.
The biggest tokamaks barely reach ignition.
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Fusion power scales as radius cubed times magnetic field to the 4th power.
If a tokamak larger than ITER is built, the magnetic field will be similar to ITER's. Doubling the size of ITER increases fusion power by a factor of 8, still far short of profitability. Doubling size increases cost by a factor of 8. Superconducting magnets are a big part of the cost. Magnet technology is a major focus of ITER.
ITER barely reaches ignition, and profibability requires going beyond ignition by a factor of around 50. Profitability likely requires a tokamak at least 4 times the size of ITER.
Fusion has feeble power/$ and energy/$ compared to a natural gas plant. Tokamak power/$ is 1000 times worse than a natural gas plant, and laser fusion is worse than tokamaks. Commercial fusion is far off.
ITER has a radius is 6 meters and and costs 20 B$, and it's not nearly big enough for commercial fusion. Tokamak cost scales as radius cubed.
Power/$ Energy/$ Input Output Input Output Cost power power energy energy Watt/$ MJoule/$ MWatt MWatt MJoule MJoule B$ Tokamak, ITER .022 16 50 500 - - 20 Laser, NIF .00000002 .000006 .004 .00007 400 7 3.5 Generator, coal 10 128 Generator, natural gas 10 100 Generator, firewood 10 88 Generator, gasoline 10 20 Fission 2 1300 Hydroelectric 2 1300 Wind turbine 1 650 Photoelectric .6 400
The NIF laser gives one shot per day. The input and output energies are for one shot.
To calculate energy/$ for tokamaks, lasers, photoelectric, wind turbines, fission, and hydroelectric, we assumme that the plant runs for 20 years.
Helium-3 is needed for dilution refrigerators more than for fusion. A dilution refrigerator can reach 2 millikelvin and is vital for quantum computing. Fermilab is building the world's largest diffusion refrigerator, with a volume of 1.5 meter3.
Helium-3 is 1 M$/kg and tritium is 30 M$/kg. America has 30 kg of helium-3 and 30 kg of tritium.
Helium-3 is made from fission neutrons:
Lithium-6 + Neutron → Helium-4 + Tritium + 4.793 MeV Fission Tritium → Helium-3 + Electron + .0186 MeV Decay with a half life of 12.3 years Helium-3 + Deuterium → Helium-4 + Proton + 18.3 MeV Fusion
Producing a fission neutron comes with 180 MeV of thermal energy. The neutron can make tritium for a fusion reactor to produce even more energy, but fusing tritium gives only 17.6 MeV. It's not worth recycling the neutrons for more power. Use neutrons instead for transmutation.
The energy gained from fusing lunar regolith is not much larger than the energy needed to mine it, and this assumes ideal circumstances. It's unlikely to be profitable.
Regolith fusion energy/kg = 5.8 MJoule/kg Regolith mining heat per kg = 1.4 MJoule/kg Helium-3 in lunar regolith, best ore = 10 ppb Helium-3 energy/mass from fusion = 584 TJoule/kg = 18.3 MeV / 3.016 Daltons
Helium-3 is extracted by sorting out the finest regolith particles and heating them to 700 Celsius.
Regolith temperature change = 700 Kelvin Regolith heat capacity = 2000 Joule/kg/Kelvin Regolith mining heat per kg = 1.4 MJoule/kg
Producing 1 year of power for America needs 23000 km2 of lunar surface, which is .06% of the moon's surface. The good ore would be exhausted within a century.
America energy usage in 1 year = e20 Joules Helium-3 needed for 1 year of American power = 171000 kg Mass of regolith needed = 17 Bkg Regolith density = 1500 kg/meter3 Regolith useful depth = .5 meter Moon regolith area needed = 23 kkm2 Moon total surface area = 38000 kkm2
The largest tokamak is the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in France. It will be the first tokamak to produce more fusion power than is required to operate the machine. There are numerous international participants and the experiment is as important for its superconducting magnet technology as it is for fusion. For the ITER reactor,
Fusion power = 500 MWatt Input power = 50 MWatt Temperature = 500 MKelvin Confinement time = 3000 seconds Plasma current = 17 MAmps Magnetic field = 5.3 Tesla Inner radius = 2.0 meter Outer radius = 6.0 meter
The "Lithium Tokamak Experiment" at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory uses flowing liquid lithium walls to absorb hydrogen that escapes the plasma. This improves plasma confinement and is potentially a means for absorbing the heat generated by fusion neutrons.
Outer Lawson Magnetic Confine radius field time meter e20 Tesla second ITER 6.2 30 5.3 3000 France Future SPARC 1.85 25 12.2 10 MIT Future ET 5.0 15 1.0 USA JET 2.96 10 4.0 UK JT-60 3.16 10 2.7 100 Japan TFTR 2.4 9 6 Princeton D III-D 1.66 4 2.2 San Diego Alcator C .67 1 8 MIT Tore Supra 2.25 .4 4.5 390 France KSTAR 1.8 3.5 300 Korea FTU .93 8 1.5 Italy ASDEX 1.65 .12 3.9 10 Germany
The National Ignition Facility uses one laser pulse and it found that this is not able to achieve break-even fusion energy. The HiPer experiment was subsequently built to test a two-pulse strategy. The first pulse compresses the fuel and a second pulse further heats it. The first pulse is spherically symmetric and the second pulse is a beam fired into the core of the compression zone.
Electric Laser Fusion Target energy energy energy density MJ MJ MJ g/cm3 National Ignition Facility 330 1.85 20 1000 1 laser pulse HiPer 422 .27 25 300 2 laser pulses Electric energy Energy supplied to the system Laser energy Laser energy delivered to the target Fusion energy Energy produced by fusion of the traget Target density Density of the target after laser compression
Fusion reactions:
Energy Coulomb Aneutronic yield energy MeV P + N → D + Gamma 2.22 0 * P + P → D + Positron .42 1 * Slow because it needs the weak force P + D → He3 + Gamma 5.49 1 * Slow because it needs the electromagnetic force D + D → T + P 4.03 1 * 50%. Tritium = 1.01 MeV, Proton = 3.02 MeV → He3 + N 3.27 1 50%. He3 = .82 MeV, Neutron = 2.45 MeV D + T → He3 + N 17.58 1 He3 = 3.52 MeV, Neutron = 14.06 MeV T + T → He4 + 2N 11.3 1 He3 + N → T + P + Gamma .764 0 * 5330 barns He3 + D → He4 + P 18.353 2 * D+D side reactions make neutrons He3 + T → He4 + P + N 12.1 2 57% → He4 + D 14.3 2 * 43% He3 + He3 → He4 + P + P 12.860 4 * Li6 + N → He4 + T + Gamma 4.783 0 * Li6 + P → He4 + He3 4.0 3 * Li6 + D → He4 + He4 22.4 3 * D+D side reactions produce neutrons → He4 + He3 + N 2.56 3 → Li7 + P 5.0 3 * → Be7 + N 3.4 3 Li6 + He3 → He4 + He4 + P 16.9 6 * Li7 + N → He4 + T + N -2.467 0 Li7 + P → He4 + He4 17.2 3 * B11 + P → He4 + He4 + He4 8.7 5 * N15 + P → C12 + He4 5.0 7 * C13 + He4 → O16 + N Stellar s-process Ne22+ He4 → Mg25 + N Stellar s-process
The fusion of deuterium and tritium produces neutrons with an energy of 14.1 MeV. These neutrons dislodge atoms in materials, weaking the material.
In the following sequence of frames a 30 keV Xenon ion crashes into gold, disrupting the positions of atoms.
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Liquid lithium wallls are being considered for stopping the neutrons. Lithium also absorbes hydrogen that escapes the plasma and improves the plasma confinement properties.
Lithium Tokamak Experiment
International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility
# of Fission Fusion bombs USA 7260 1945 1954 Russia 7500 1949 1954 France 300 1960 1968 China 260 1964 1967 UK 215 1952 1957 India 110 1974 Uranium fission Israel 80 1979 Unknown S. Africa 0 1980 Dismantled in 1991 Pakistan 120 1998 Uranium fission. >1500 kg of uranium-235, 20 kg per bomb N. Korea 20 2009 Plutonium fission Germany 1944 Attempted fission and failed Iran 1981 Osirak reactor to create Plutonium. Reactor destroyed by Israel Pakistan 1990 Commenced building centrifuges to enrich uranium from stolen designs. Bomb tersted in 1998. Iraq 1993 Attempted magnetic enrichment of Uranium. Dismantled after Gulf War 1 Iraq 2003 Alleged by the United States. Proved to be untrue. N. Korea 2006 Created plutonium in a nuclear reactor. Detonation test fizzled. Also acquired centrifuges from Pakistan Also attempting to purify Uranium with centrifuges Syria 2007 Nuclear reactor destroyed by Israel Iran 2009 Attempting centrifuge enrichment of Uranium. Libya -- Attempted centrifuge enrichment of Uranium. Dismantled before completion. Cooperated in the investigation that identified Pakistan as the proliferator of Centrifuge designs. Libya 2010 Squabbling over nuclear material Libya 2011 Civil war
North Korea has enough plutonium for an estimated 20 fission bombs.
2006 plutonium test = .001 Mtons 2009 plutonium test = .005 Mtons 2013 plutonium test = .010 Mtons 2016 plutonium test Jan 6 = .010 Mtons 2016 plutonium test Sep 6 = .010 Mtons
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Yield Mass Mton/ Fission # Start End Platform Mton kg kg primary built B41 25 4850 5.15 500 1961 1976 B-52, B-47 Succeeded by the B53 B53 8.9 4010 2.22 340 1962 1997 Titan II Bunker buster W56 1.2 272 4.96 1963 1993 Minuteman B83 1.2 1100 1.09 650 1983 Current Bomber W88 .48 <360 1.33 Komodo Current Trident W87 .48 ~235 2.04 1986 Current Minuteman W78 .35 ~340 1.03 1979 Current Minuteman B61 .34 320 1.06 B61 3155 1968 Current Bomber Bunker buster. Tunable to .3 kilotons W80 .15 130 1.15 B61 2117 1984 Current Tomahawk Tunable to 5 kiloton W84 .15 176 .85 B61 530 1983 Current Tomahawk Tunable to .2 kilotons W76 .10 164 .61 >2000 1978 Current Trident Tzar Bomba 50 27000 1.85 1 1961 1961The B41 and Tzar Bomba are three-stage devices (fission-fusion-fusion).
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Fission Fusion primary secondaries RACER IV Mark 14, Mark 16, Mark 17 Python B28, W28, W40, W49 Boa W30, W52 Robin W38, W45, W47 Tsetse W43, W44, W50, B57, W59 Kinglet W55, W58 B61 B61, W69, W73, W80, W81, W84, W85, W86
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The neutrons in a nuclear reactor can transmute elements. Transmutation increases the proton number of an element by one. Profitable transmutations are locations in the periodic table where a high-value element is just to the right of a low-value element. The most profitable elements that can be created are:
Protons Price Transmutation $/kg rate in barns 71 Lutetium 100000 2.0 45 Rhodium 88000 1.01 78 Platinum 88000 425 69 Thullium 70000 3.2 70 Ytterbium 14000 77 Iridium 13000 33 76 Osmium 12000 90 67 Holmium 8600 887 75 Rhenium 6200 11.4 68 Erbium 5400 65 54 Xenon 1200 6.15
Elements with no stable isotope can be created, such as technetium, polonium, radium, protactinium, and all the elements beyond uranium.
An example of a transmutation is:
Dysprosium-164 + Neutron -> Dysprosium-165 Neutron captures Dysprosium-165 -> Holmium-165 + Electron Beta decay with a half life of 2.3 hours.
The transmutation rate is proporational to the neutron capture cross section, measured in "barns" (10-28 meters2). The fastest transmutations are holmium and iridium.
Burnt fission fuel contains valuable elements. One 1 kg of burnt uranium-235 produces $2700 of rhodium, $290 of ruthenium, and $200 of xenon. Xenon is easily extracted because it's a gas. The valuable elements produced by Uranium-235 are:
Fraction Value of element Value in burnt fuel $ per kg of element $ per kg of burnt fuel Rhodium .0304 88000 2700 Ruthenium .0517 5600 290 Xenon .1683 1200 202
The valuable elements produced by plutonium-239 fission are:
Fraction Value of element Value in burnt fuel $ per kg of element $ per kg of burnt fuel Rhodium .03474 88000 3060 Palladium .04188 13600 570 Xenon .04410 1200 53
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For most elements, production cost is dominated by energy. The above plot shows the energy required to produce each metal.
Fission energy/mass = e =85000000 MJoules/kg Reactor efficiency = f = .33 Price of energy = S = 36 MJoules/$ $ yield per kg = Y = fe/S = 790000 $/kg
If neutrons are used for fission energy then they produce 790000 $ per kg of uranium. If the neutrons are instead used to transmute elements then the highest-value elements that can be created have a value in the range of 50000 $/kg.
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Isotope with the longest half-life.
Technetium 98 4200000 Promethium 145 17.7 Polonium 209 125.2 Astatine 210 .00092 Radon 222 .0105 Francium 223 .000042 Radium 226 1600 Actinium 227 21.8 Thorium 232 14056000000 Protactin 231 32760 Uranium 238 4468000000 Neptunium 237 2140000 Plutonium 244 80000000 Americium 243 7370 Curium 247 15600000 Berkelium 247 1380 California 251 898 Einstein 252 1.29 Fermium 257 .28 Mendelev 258 .14
Isotopes with long half lives:
Half life (years) Hydrogen 3 12.3 Cobalt 60 5.27 Technetium 97 2600000 98 4200000 99 211100 Strontium 90 28.8 Radium 226 1600 Thorium 232 14056000000 Protactin 231 32760 Uranium 232 69 233 159200 234 245500 235 703800000 236 23400000 238 4468000000 Neptunium 236 154000 237 2140000 Plutonium 238 87.7 239 24110 240 6563 241 14 242 272300 244 80000000 Americium 241 432 243 7370 Curium 243 29.1 244 18.1 245 8500 246 4730 247 15600000 248 340000 250 9000 Berkelium 247 1380 249 .90 California 248 .91 249 351 250 13.1 251 898 252 2.64 253 .049 254 .17 Einstein 252 1.29 254 .75 Einstein 252 1.29 254 .75 Fermium 257 .28 Mendelev 258 .14
Natural Thermal Half life Decay Fission Thermal fraction neutron mode neutron capture scatter barns barns barns Hydrogen 1 .99985 .3326 20 2 .00015 .000519 4 3 0 0 Helium 3 5333 4 0 Lithium 6 940 7 .0454 Boron 10 200 2 Carbon All .002 5 Oxygen 16 .0001 4 Calcium 40 .969 .41 43 .00135 6.2 44 .021 .88 45 0 163 days Beta Chromium 52 .5 3 Iron 55 2.737 years EC 56 2 10 Cobalt 56 .211 years Beta+ 57 .744 years EC 58 .194 years Beta+ 59 1 37.2 6 60 0 5.27 years Beta, gamma Nickel 58 3 20 Scadium 45 1 Gallium 69 .601 2.18 70 0 21 min Beta 71 .399 3.61 72 0 14.1 hours Beta Germanium 70 .205 72 .274 Selenium 80 .498 Bromine 85 0 2.9 min Beta Krypton 78 .0035 6.4 80 .022 11.8 82 .116 29 83 .115 185 84 .57 .113 85 0 11 years Beta 86 .173 .003 Rubidium 85 .722 85m 0 4.48 hours Beta More complication 86 0 18.7 days Beta 87 .278 88 0 18 min Beta Strontium 90 Zirconium 90 .514 .006 5 91 .112 92 .172 93 0 1.53 Myears Beta 94 .174 95 0 64 days Beta 96 .0280 97 0 16.7 hours Beta Niobium 93 1 94 0 20300 years Beta 95 0 35 days Beta 96 0 24 hours Beta 97 72 min Beta Molybdenum 92 .146 93 0 4.00 MYear Electron capture 94 .092 95 .159 13.4 96 .167 .5 97 .096 2.2 98 .243 .13 99 0 2.75 days Beta 100 .097 .199 101 0 15 minutes Beta Technetium 96 4.3 days Positron 97 4.2 MYear Electron capture 98 4.2 MYear Beta 99 22.8 211000 years Beta 100 16 seconds Beta 101 14 min Beta Ruthenium 96 .0554 97 2.79 days Positron 98 .0187 99 .128 100 .126 4.8 101 .17 3.3 102 .316 1.17 103 0 1.2 39 days Beta 104 .187 .31 105 0 4.44 hours Beta 106 0 .146 374 days Beta 107 0 3.75 min Beta Rhodium 103 1 104 0 42.3 seconds Beta 99.55%, Positron otherwise 105 0 35.36 hours Beta, gamma 106 0 29.8 seconds Beta Palladium 106 .2733 Cadmium 113 .122 30000 100 114 .288 Indium 115 100 2 Tin 122 .0463 125 127 2.1 hours Antimony 122 2.72 days Beta 98% 123 .428 124 60.2 days Beta 125 2.76 years Beta 126 12.4 days Beta 127 3.8 days Beta Tellurium 127 9.4 hours 132 3.20 days Iodine 127 1 6.15 128 0 25 minutes Beta 93% 129 0 15.7 Myear Beta 131 0 8.02 days Beta, gamma 132 0 2.30 hours Beta 133 0 20.8 hours Beta 134 0 52.5 min Beta 135 0 6.57 hours Beta Xenon 124 .001 165 125 0 17 hours Positron 126 .0009 3.5 127 0 36.3 days Electron capture 128 .0191 8 129 .264 21 130 .041 26 131 .212 85 132 .269 .45 133 0 5.2 days Beta 133m 0 2.19 days Internal 134 .104 .265 135 0 2000000 9.1 hours Beta 400000 135m 0 15.3 min Internal 136 .089 .26 Caesium 133 1 30.3 134 0 2.06 years Beta and Electron capture 135 0 2.3 Myears Beta 136 137 0 30.2 years Beta Barium 134 140 0 12.8 days Beta Lanthanum 138 .00089 1.05e11 years Beta and electron capture 139 .99911 140 0 1.68 days Beta 141 0 3.92 hours Beta Cerium 140 .884 .57 141 0 32.5 days Beta 142 .111 143 0 33.0 days Beta 144 0 285 days Beta Praseodym 141 1 144 17.3 min Beta 151 18.9 second Beta Neodymium 142 .272 18.7 143 .122 337 144 .238 3.6 145 .0829 42 146 .172 1.4 147 0 11 days Beta 148 .0575 2.5 149 0 1.7 hours Beta 150 .0563 1.2 151 0 12.4 min Beta Promethium 145 0 17.7 years Electron capture 146 0 5.5 years Electron capture 147 0 2.6 years Beta 149 0 53.1 hours Beta 151 0 28.4 hours Beta Dysprosium 156 .00056 33 158 .00095 43 160 .0233 56 161 .189 600 162 .255 194 163 .249 124 164 .282 2840 165 0 139 min Samarium 144 .0308 147 .150 57 148 .112 149 .138 42080 150 .0737 151 0 90 years Beta 152 .267 153 0 46.28 hours Beta 154 .227 Europium 151 .478 9100 152 0 13.5 years Beta and Electron capture 153 .522 312 154 8.59 years Beta 155 4.76 years Beta 156 15.2 days Beta Gadolinium 155 .148 156 .205 Terbium Dysprosium 156 .00056 157 0 158 .00095 159 0 160 .0233 161 .189 162 .254 163 .249 164 .283 165 2.33 hours Beta Holmium 165 1 65 166 27.3 hours Erbium 166 .335 19.6 167 .229 659 168 .271 2.74 169 0 170 .149 5.8 Thulium 169 1 100 170 129 days Beta Ytterbium 168 .0014 2230 170 .031 11.4 171 .143 48.6 172 .219 .8 173 .161 17.1 174 .318 69.4 175 4.18 days Beta 176 .127 2.85 177 0 1.9 hours Beta Lutetium 175 .974 21 176 .0261 2065 177 6.6 days Beta Tungsten 180 .0012 60 181 0 121 days Electron capture 182 .265 20.7 183 .143 10.1 184 .307 2.0 185 0 75 days Beta 186 .286 35 187 0 23.7 hours Beta Rhenium 185 .374 112 186 0 3.72 days Beta 187 .626 76.4 188 0 17.0 hours Beta Osmium 186 .0158 80 187 .016 320 188 .133 4.7 189 .161 25 190 .264 13.1 191 0 15.4 days Beta 192 .41 2 193 0 30.1 hours Beta Iridium 191 .373 954 192 0 73.8 days Beta 193 .627 111 194 0 19.3 hours Beta Platinum 190 .0001 10.3 192 .0079 10.0 193 50 years Electron capture 194 .329 1.44 195 .338 27.5 196 .253 .72 197 19.9 hours Beta 198 .072 3.66 199 30.8 minutes Beta Gold 197 1 98.6 8.2 198 1.70 days Beta Lead 204 .014 205 - 206 .241 207 .221 208 .524 209 - 3.25 hours Beta 210 - 22.3 years Beta Bismuth 209 1 .0338 210 5.01 days Beta Polonium 208 2.898 years Alpha or Beta+ 209 125.2 years Alpha or Beta+ 210 .379 years Alpha Natural Thermal Half life Decay Fission Critical fraction neutron mode barns mass (kg) capture (barns) years Thorium 232 .9998 7.56 233 0 .000042 Beta Protactin 231 0 210 33000 Alpha 233 0 41? .074 Beta Uranium 233 0 73 159200 468 15 234 .00005 105 245500 235 .0072 690 704000000 538 52 Thermal neutron scatter = 10 barns 236 0 7 23400000 237 .018 238 .993 2.68 .00002 Thermal neutron scatter = 10 barns Neptunium 236 154000 2800 7 237 2144000 .019 60 238 .0058 Beta 239 175.9 .0065 Beta Plutonium 237 238 558 87.7 Alpha 16.8 9.5 239 1017.3 14100 Alpha 748 10 Thermal neutron scatter = 8 barns 240 289.6 6561 Alpha .030 40 241 363 14.3 Beta 937 12 242 18.5 373000 Alpha 80 243 87.4 .00057 Beta 244 1.7 80.8 Alpha Americium 241 748 432 3.1 60 243 75.3 7370 .0044 200 244 .00127 Beta Curium 242 20 243 29.1 690 8 244 16.2 18.1 Alpha 15 245 383 8500 Alpha 2161 10 246 1.36 4730 Alpha 45 247 58 15700000 Alpha 7 248 2.49 340000 Alpha 249 .000122 Beta 250 9000 251 .000032 Beta Berkelium 247 710 1379 Alpha 76 249 1600 .90 Beta 192 250 .00037 Beta 251 .000106 Beta Californ 249 481.4 351 600 6 250 1701 13.08 Alpha 251 2849 900 Alpha 4801 5.46 252 20.4 2.64 Alpha 2.73 253 12 .049 Beta 254 .166 SF Einstein 253 .056 Alpha 254 .75 9.89
Cross section Melt barns Kelvin Oxygen .00019 Carbon .0035 3800 Graphite Beryllium .0092 1560 Bismuth .034 545 Magnesium .063 923 Lead .171 Silicon .171 1687 Zirconium .184 2128 Aluminum .232 933 Hydrogen .333 Tin .626 505 Zinc 1.11 693 Niobium 1.15 Iron 2.56 1811 Molybdenum 2.6 Chromium 3.1 Copper 3.78 1358 Nickel 4.49 Titanium 6.09 Thorium 7.37 Uranium 7.57 1405 Tungsten 18.3 Tantalum 20.6 Xenon 23.9 Krypton 25 Chlorine 35.5 Hafnium 104 2506 Indium 194 Mercury 374 Iridium 425 Boron 767 2349 Dysprosium 920 Plutonium 1017 912 Cadmium 2450 594 Europium 4600 Samarium 5922 Gadolin 49000Blue elements are unstable with a half life much less than the age of the solar system.
The only elements heavier than Bismuth that can be found on the Earth are Thorium and Uranium, and these are the only elements that can be tapped for fission energy.
Natural Thorium is 100% Thorium-232
Natural Uranium is .72% Uranium-235 and 99.3% Uranium-238.
Plutonium doesn't exist in nature.
Protons Neutrons Halflife Critical Isotope (106 yr) mass (kg) fraction Thorium-232 90 142 14000 - 1.00 Absorbs neutron -> U-233 Uranium-233 92 141 .160 16 - Fission chain reaction Uranium-235 92 143 700 52 .0072 Fission chain reaction Uranium-238 92 146 4500 - .9927 Absorbs neutron -> Pu-239 Plutonium-238 94 144 .000088 - - Produces power from radioactive heat Plutonium-239 94 145 .020 10 - Fission chain reactionThe elements that can be used for fission energy are the ones with a critical mass: Uranium-233, Uranium-235, and Plutonium-239. Uranium-233 and Plutonium-239 can be created in a breeder reactor.
Thorium-232 + Neutron -> Uranium-233 Uranium-238 + Neutron -> Plutonium-239The "Fission" simulation at phet.colorado.edu illustrates the concept of a chain reaction.
Natural uranium is composed of .7% Uranium-235 and the rest is Uranium-238. Uranium-235 can be separated from U-238 using centrifuges, calutrons, or gas diffusion chambers. Uranium-235 is easy to detonate. A cannon and gunpowder gets it done.
Plutonium-239 is difficult to detonate, requiring a perfect spherical implosion. This technology is beyond the reach of most rogue states.
Uranium-233 cannot be used for a bomb and is hence not a proliferation risk.
Plutonium-238 emits alpha particles, which can power a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG). RTGs based on Plutonium-238 generate 540 Watts/kg and are used to power spacecraft.
The fission of uranium-233, uranium-235, and plutonium-239 yields similar energies. The "reactor heat" column is the energy yield per nucleus in a reactor. Energies in MeV:
Fission Prompt Prompt Prompt Decay Decay Anti- Reactor fragments neutrons gammas neutron betas gammas neutrinos heat capture Uranium-233 168.2 4.9 7.7 9.1 5.2 5.0 6.9 200.1 Uranium-235 169.1 4.8 7.0 8.8 6.5 6.3 8.8 202.5 Plutonium-239 175.8 5.9 7.8 11.5 5.3 5.2 7.1 211.5
Creating Plutonium-239 and Uranium-233:
Uranium-238 + Neutron -> Plutonium-239 Thorium-232 + Neutron -> Uranium-233 Detail: Uranium-238 + Neutron -> Uranium-239 Uranium-239 -> Neptunium-239 + Electron + Antineutrino Halflife = 23 mins Neptunium-239 -> Plutonium-239 + Electron + Antineutrino Halflife = 2.4 days Thorium-232 + Neutron -> Thorium-233 Thorium-233 -> Protactinium-233 + Electron + Antineutrino Halflife = 22 mins Protactinium-233 -> Uranium-233 + Electron + Antineutrino Halflife =
When a nucleus absorbs a neutron it can either fission or it can capture the neutron and transmute to another element. If it captures the neutron then it doesn't generate fission energy and it becomes "actinide waste". The higher the fission-to-capture ratio the better.
Fission to Outcome of capture ratio neutron capture Uranium-233 10 Uranium-235 Uranium-235 6 Plutonium-239 Plutonium-239 2 Plutonium-240 Halflife = 6500 years Plutonium-241 4 Plutonium-242 Halflife = 373000 years Uranium-233 + Neutron -> Uranium-234 Halflife = 246000 years Uranium-234 + Neutron -> Uranium-235 Uranium-234 neutron cross section = 100 barnsThe thorium fuel cycle generates less transuranic waste than the uranium fuel cycle. If thorium is used to breed Uranium-233 then the Uranium-233 either fissions or becomes Uranium-235, when then fissions. Hence almost all of the original thorium ends up fissioning.
Uranium-235 Uranium-233 Price ($/kg) Krypton-83 .00536 .0101 330 Molybednum-95 .0654 .0636 24 Ruthenium-101 .0517 .0317 5600 Rhodium-103 .0304 .0157 88000 Silver-109 .000322 .000395 590 Cadmium-113 .000143 .000135 1.9 Indium-115 .000124 .000144 750 Tin-125 .000347 .00117 22 Iodine-127 .00160 .005563 16 Xenon-131 .0290 .0360 1200 Xenon-134 .0784 .0630 1200 Xenon-136 .0609 .0667 1200 Barium-134 7.7e-8 .0000027 100 Barium-137 0 0 100 Slowly generated by Caesium-137 Neodymium-143 .0596 .0597 25 Neodymium-145 .0394 .0345 25 Gadolinium-154 1.1e-13 6.2e-12 20 Gadolinium-155 2.9e-11 1.5e-10 20 Gadolinium-156 .000150 .000128 20 Gadolinium-157 .0000624 .0000631 20 Gadolinium-158 .0000335 .0000216 20The elements that are valuable enough to be worth extracting are:
Uranium-235 Uranium-233 Price ($/kg) Krypton .00536 .0101 330 Ruthenium .0517 .0317 5600 Rhodium .0304 .0157 88000 Silver .000322 .000395 590 Indium .000124 .000144 750 Xenon .1683 .1657 1200Ruthenium, Rhodium, and Xenon are the best candidates for extraction. Xenon is easy to extract because it's a gas. Xenon is a miraculous highly-safe anaesthetic.
Uranium costs 75 $/kg. If 1 kg of spent Uranium fuel contains 3% fission products then it contains .91 grams of rhodium, which is worth 80 $.
Strontium-90 is a radioactive product of fission that is useful for nuclear batteries.
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The actinides are the elements from actinium to lawrencium. None are stable but many are long-lived.
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Neutron capture transmutes an isotope one space to the right and beta decay transmutes an isotope one space up.
The most massive nuclei that exist naturally are thorium-232, uranium-235, or uranium-238. All are unstable but have half lives larger than 700 million years. The road starts with these isotopes and then adding neutrons transmutes them according to the orange lines. The road forks at beta isotopes, which can either beta decay or capture a neutron.
The end of the road is fermium. Neutrons can't further increase the proton number because no fermium isotopes on the road beta decay. The road goes as far as fermium-258, which has a half life of .00037 seconds and spontaneously fissions. Producing heavier isotopes requires an accelerator or an extreme neutron flux (such as occurs in a fission bomb).
Most of the long-lived isotopes are on the neutron road, the most significant exceptions being neptunium-236 and berkelium-247. These isotopes can be reached by alpha decay, which moves an isotope 2 spaces down and 4 to the left.
Americium-242m (half live 141 years) is an excited state of Americium-242 (half life .0018 years) with a high thermal neutron capture cross section.
The thermal neutron capture cross section of Americium-241 to Americium-242 is 748 barns, and to Americium-242m is 83.8 barns.
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Transmutation rate is proportional to the neutron capture cross section. In order to move rightward on the road the isotope has to have a large neutron capture cross section and it has to have a large half life. This is true everywhere on the road except for curium-249, and so all the long-lived isotopes on the road are easily created, except for curium-250.
The road has a bottleneck at curium-246, which is the isotope with the lowest capture cross section (1.36 barns). The capture cross section of curium-248 is also low (2.49 barns). Traffic slows down here and all the isotopes further down the road have to wait for curium-246 and curium-248.
To create curium-250 you start with curium-248 and add a neutron to produce curium-249. Curium-249 has a half life of 64 minutes and you have to hope it captures a neutron before the decay.
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The fission cross section is for thermal neutrons with a Maxwellian spectrum centered at .025 eV. The isotopes with large fission cross sections are:
Thermal Critical Half life neutron mass fission barns kg years Americium-242m 6686 11 141 Californium-251 4801 5.5 900 Einsteinium-254 2900 9.9 .75 Neptunium-236 2800 6.8 154000 Curium-245 2161 10 8500 Californium-249 1665 6 351 Plutonium-241 937 12 14.3 Plutonium-239 748 10 24100 Curium-243 690 8 29.1 Uranium-235 538 52 704000000 Uranium-233 468 15 159200
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Fast Crit Crit Half life Fast Fast neutron mass diam neutrons capture fission /fission barns kg cm years barns Californium-252 2.32 2.73 4.30 Californium-251 1.28 5.46 900 4.56 .63r Californium-249 1.74 6 351 * Curium-247 1.86 7.0 * Neptunium-236 7 154000 * Curium-243 2.43 8 29.1 3.70 .4 Plutonium-238 1.994 9.5 3.148 Einsteinium-254 9.89 .75 * Curium-245 1.75 10 8500 4.0 .4 Plutonium-239 1.800 10 24100 3.123 Americium-242m 1.83 10 141 3.53 .6 Plutonium-241 1.648 12 14.3 3.142 Curium-244 1.73 15 3.52 .8 Uranium-233 1.946 15 159200 2.649 Uranium-235 1.235 52 704000000 2.606 Plutonium-240 1.357 40 3.061 Curium-246 1.25 45 3.49 .4 Neptunium-237 1.335 60 2.889 1.8 Berkelium-247 75.7 Plutonium-242 1.127 80 3.07 Americium-241 1.378 60 3.457 2.0 Berkelium-249 192 3.74 Americium-243 .2i 200 3.45 1.8 Einsteinium-254m
Isotopes with a neutron capture cross section of 1 barn or more can be transmuted on a timescale of 10 years. Isotopes with a cross section smaller than this can't be practically transmuted.
To calculate the transmutation rate,
Neutron flux = F = 10-8 neutrons/barn/second Neutron capture = A = 10 barns Transmutation rate = R = FA = 10-7 transmutations/second = 3.2 transmutations/year
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If a nucleus is hit with a pulse of neutrons then the probability that a fission occurs is:
Thermal neutron fission cross section = A = 6400 barns = 6.4⋅10-25 meters2 For Americium-242m Neutron pulse magnitude = F = 1020 neutrons/meter2 Fission probability = P = AF = 6.4⋅10-5 fissions
Actinides are useful for:
*) Neutron-induced fission
*) Radioactivity heat
*) Spontaneous fission
All of these properties are useful for spacecraft. The most useful actinides are:
Half life Neutron Spontaneous Radioactivity fission fission years barns Watts/kg Watts/kg Uranium 233 159200 468 235 704000000 538 Plutonium 238 87.7 818 239 14100 748 241 14.3 937 4315 Americium 241 432 242m 141 6686 Curium 243 29.1 690 2666 244 18.1 4014 245 8500 2161 246 4730 247 15700000 248 340000 .64 .81 250 9000 240 241 Berkelium 249 .90 Californium 248 .91 86 86209 Off-road 249 351 1665 250 13.08 158 5778 251 900 4801 252 2.64 31227 58470 253 .049 254 .166 15896000 15897000 Einsteinium 254 .75 2900 Fermium 257 .275 ? 20000 279000
After Before ppt ppt U-234 .2 U-235 10.3 33 U-236 4.4 U-238 943 967 Pu-238 .18 Pu-239 5.7 Pu-240 2.21 Pu-241 1.19 Pu-242 .49 Np-237 .43 Am-241 .22 Am-242 .0007 Am-243 .10 Cm-242 .00013 Cm-243 .00032 Cm-244 .024 Fission products 35 Tc-99 .81
Neutron flux (Neutrons/cm2/second) Power reactor 5e13 High-flux reactor 6e15 Cosmological s-process e16 Cosmological r-process e27 Fission bomb e31
Thermal Fast Crit Crit Half life Slow Fast SF Therm Fast Fast SF SF neutron neutron mass diam neutr neut neut capt capt inel fission fission /fiss /fiss /fiss barn barn W/kg neut/s/kg barns barns kg cm years Thorium-232 .078 2.16 Protactinium-231 .83 2.457 Uranium-232 80 2.013 3.296 2 Uranium-233 468 1.946 15 159200 2.48 2.649 73 Uranium-234 .407 1.223 2.578 1.8 3.9 Uranium-235 538 1.235 52 704000000 2.42 2.606 2.0 690 .0057 Uranium-236 .042 .594 2.526 1.8 2.3 Uranium-238 .00001 .308 2.601 1.97 2.68 5.51 Neptunium-236 2800 * 7 154000 * * Neptunium-237 .019 1.335 60 2.54i 2.889 2 1.8 <.05 Neptunium-238 1243 1.45 .0058 2.79i 2.99i .1 Plutonium-237 2100i .124 * * Plutonium-238 16.8 1.994 9.5 87.7 2.36 3.148 2.28 558 1204000 Alpha Plutonium-239 748 1.800 10 24100 2.87 3.123 2.9 1017.3 10.1 Alpha Plutonium-240 .030 1.357 40 6560 3.061 2.189 478000 Plutonium-241 937 1.648 12 14.3 2.92 3.142 36 <.8 Beta Plutonium-242 .0026 1.127 80 373000 3.07 2.28 805000 Plutonium-243 181i Plutonium-244 80800000 Plutonium-245 8500 Americium-241 3.1 1.378 60 3.12 3.457 2.0 500 Americium-242 1322i 3.4i .7 Americium-242m 6686 1.83 10 141 3.26 3.53i 2 .6 Americium-243 .2 .2i 200 3.20i 3.45i 1.8 Americium-244 1528i 3.4i * * .9 Americium-244m 1220i 3.4i 3.14i 3.42i .8 Curium-241 2600 2.21 .090 Curium-242 5 1.78 2.54 Curium-243 690 2.43 8 29.1 3.43 3.70i .4 Curium-244 1.1 1.73 15 18.1 2.72? 3.52i 16.2 .8 3.24i(t) Alpha Curium-245 2161 1.75 10 8500 3.83 4.0 383 .4 Alpha Curium-246 .17 1.25 45 2.93 3.49i .4 3.19i(t) Curium-247 82 1.86 7.0 15700000 3.80 * 58 Alpha Curium-248 .34 1.09 3.13 * .64 Curium-249 1.21 Curium-250 * .67 3.30 * Berkelium-247 * 75.7 Berkelium-249 1.0 * 192 3.40 3.74i 240 Berkelium-250 959i Californium-246 3.1 Californium-248 1.32 86 Californium-249 1665 1.74 6 351 4.06 * 3.4 481.4 Californium-250 112 1.49 3.51 * 158 Californium-251 4801 1.28 5.46 900 4.1 4.56 2839 .62 2.216 Alpha Californium-252 33 2.32 2.73 2.64 4.00i 4.30i 3.75 20.4 31227 Alpha Californium-253 1138 * * * Californium-254 2.001j 1.80 .75 3.85 * Einsteinium-253 2.51 * 4.7 * 15.9M Einsteinium-254 2900 * 9.89 .75 4.2 * Einsteinium-254m 1840 * * * Fermium-244 4 Fermium-246 4 Fermium-254 Fermium-255 3360i * 4 * Fermium-256 3.63 * Fermium-257 * * .275 3.87 * 20000 Nobelium-252 4.2 Thermal Fast Critical Diam Half life Slow Fast SF SF Spontaneous neutron neutron mass neutrons neutrons neutrons fission fission fission /fission /fission /fission W/kg neutron/s/kg barns barns kg years
The prompt kinetic energy released by fission is:
Fission energy (MeV) Actinium 168 Thorium 172 Protactinium 177 Uranium 181 Neptunium 185 Plutonium 189 Americium 195 Curium 198 Berkelium 203 Californium 207
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Natural Thermal Half life Decay Thermal Warm Fast 14 MeV Fast Mass fraction neutron mode neutron neutron neutron capture capture scatter scatter scatter barns years barns barns barns barns barns AMU Neutron 1 0 611s Beta 1.00866491588 Hydrogen 1 .99985 .3326 - 32.8 20 3.93 .69 .000039 1.00782504 2 .00015 .000519 - 4.70 6 2.53 .0062 .0000071 3 0 0 12.32 Beta Helium 3 1.34m 5333 - 4.10 5 2.12 .95 .82 3.01602932265 4 1 0 - .96 .9 3.69 1.05 0 4.00260325413 5 0 7e-22s Neutron 5.012057 6 0 .806s Beta 6.01888589 Lithium 6 .075 941 - .90 1.42 .91 6.0151228874 7 .925 .0454 - 7.016003437 8 0 .839s Beta 8.02248625 Beryllium 6 0 5e-21s 2p 6.019726 7 0 .145 EC 7.01692872 8 0 8e-17s Alpha 8.00530510 9 1 .0085 - 7.33 8 2.68 .98 .0000013 9.01218307 10 0 1390000 Beta 10.01353470 11 0 13.8s Beta 11.02166108 12 0 .022s Beta 12.0269221 Boron 9 0 8e-19s P,Alpha 10 .199 200 - 2 2 2 .4 11 .801 - 12 .020s Beta Carbon 12 .002 5 7 2 .00001 Oxygen 16 .0001 4 6 3 3e-8 Fluorine
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The most important radioactive isotopes for power are:
Strontium-90 Abundant because it is present in burnt fission fuel. Caesium-137 Abundant because it is present in burnt fission fuel. Plutonium-238 Outperforms Strontium-90. Has to be bred in a reactor. Capable of powering a helicopter for 50 years. Cobalt-60 Larger power/mass than plutonium-238. Capable of powering a helicopter with more acceleration than a human can handle. Californium-252 Superlatively large power/mass. Capable of powering an Iron Man suit. Beryllium-7 Largest power-mass of all isotopes with a half life larger than .1 years. Curium-250 Only isotope that decays primarily by spontaneous fission and hence has a vastly higher energy/mass than the other isotopes. Halfnium-172 Large power/mass. Of interest because HfC has the highest melting point of all known materials. Plutonium-241 Easy isotope to produce. Good balance of power/mass and half life. Curium-244 Good balance of power/mass and half life.
The most important radioactive isotopes are:
Power/Mass Energy/Mass Halflife Decay Decay Watts/kg GJoules/kg years MeV mode Californ-254 15900000 83538 .166 220 SF Beryllium-7 2577000 11875 .146 .8619 EC Scandium-46 686400 4961 .229 2.366 β Polonium-210 207730 2485 .379 5.41 α Curium-242 176110 2479 .446 6.22 α Einsteinium-254 105432 2512 .755 6.616 α Sodium-22 97237 7979 2.6 1.82 β+ or EC Manganese-54 91144 2459 .855 1.377 EC Californium-248 86210 2476 .91 6.36 α or SF Californium-252 58470 4871 2.64 6.12 α or SF Cobalt-60 27300 4533 5.27 2.82 β,γ Californium-250 5779 2385 13.1 6.02 α or SF Plutonium-241 4315 1961 14.4 4.90 α Curium-244 4014 2293 18.1 5.80 α Krypton-85 3962 1350 10.8 1.19 β,γ Halfnium-172 3210 189 1.87 .3378 EC Curium-243 2666 2449 29.1 6.169 α Caesium-137 1736 1654 30.2 2.35 β Hydrogen-3 1538 598 12.32 .0186 β Plutonium-238 818 2265 87.7 5.59 α Strontium-90 648 589 28.8 .55 β Curium-250 241 63170 8300 5.17 SF or α Americium-241 161 2197 432 5.49 α Radium-226 42.0 2121 1600 4.97 α,γ
"Neutrons" is the number of neutrons required to produce the isotope in a fission reactor.
Power/Mass Energy/Mass Halflife Decay Decay Neutrons Production Watts/kg GJoules/kg years MeV mode required method Neptunium-239 .00645 β Fermium-253 .0082 Calif-253 .0488 Calif-254 .166 Fermium-257 .275 Neptunium-235 1.084 Calif-249 351 Calif-251 898 Berkelium-247 1380 Thorium-229 7340 Curium-245 8500 Plutonium-239 24110 Lithium-8 .839s β Beryllium-11 13.76s Beryllium-7 2577000 11875 .146 .8619 EC Deuteron Cobalt-56 912300 6104 .212 3.544 β+ Accelerator Scandium-46 686400 4961 .229 2.366 β Neutron Polonium-210 207730 2485 .379 5.41 α 1 Neutron Curium-242 176110 2479 .446 6.22 α - Neutron Einsteinium-254 105432 2512 .755 6.616 α Neutron Sodium-22 97237 7979 2.6 1.82 β+ or EC - Deuteron Manganese-54 91144 2459 .855 1.377 EC Deuteron Californium-248 86210 2476 .91 6.36 α or SF Accelerator Rhodium-102 67003 1199 .567 1.268 β+ or β Accelerator Cobalt-57 60237 1414 .744 .8359 EC Deuteron Californium-252 58470 4871 2.64 6.12 α or SF 14 Neutron Einsteinium-252 51348 2090 1.29 5.46 α or EC Accelerator Thulium-170 49436 549 .352 .968 β Neutron Vanadium-49 41572 1185 .903 .6019 EC Deuteron Thorium-228 38697 2335 1.912 5.520 α Accelerator Iridium-192 29942 191 .202 .38 β Neutron Cobalt-60 27300 4533 5.27 2.82 β,γ Neutron Plutonium-236 26583 2398 2.858 5.867 α Accelerator Polonium-208 26446 2420 2.898 5.22 α - Accelerator Zinc-65 23254 490 .667 .3299 β+ Neutron Caesium-134 22795 1482 2.06 2.059 β Tungsten-181 9546 100.0 .332 .1877 EC Accelerator Cerium-144 8679 214 .780 .319 Lutetium-173 8645 374 1.37 .6705 EC Californium-250 5779 2385 13.1 6.02 α or SF 12 Neutron Promethium-146 5659 988 5.53 1.495 EC or β Accelerator Rhodium-101 4967 517 3.3 .5417 EC Deuteron Iron-55 4706 405 2.73 .2312 EC,γ Neutron Plutonium-241 4315 1961 14.4 4.90 α Neutron Curium-244 4014 2293 18.1 5.80 α 6 Neutron Krypton-85 3962 1350 10.8 1.19 β,γ Neutron Halfnium-172 3210 189 1.87 .3378 EC Accelerator Curium-243 2666 2449 29.1 6.169 α Neutron Lutetium-174 1868 195 3.31 .3521 β+ Promethium-147 1777 147 2.62 .224 β 1 Neutron Caesium-137 1736 1654 30.2 2.35 β 0 Fission product Hydrogen-3 1538 598 12.32 .0186 β 1 Lithium-6 + Neutron -> Alpha + Tritium Ruthenium-106 1116 35.8 1.018 .0394 β Europium-152 1194 509 13.5 .802 EC,β-+,γ 1 Europium-155 1048 157 4.753 .2527 β Uranium-232 1035 2251 68.9 5.414 α Accelerator Tantalum-179 991 56.9 1.82 .1056 EC Gadolinium-148 876 2072 75 3.18 α Accelerator Plutonium-238 818 2265 87.7 5.59 α 3 Neutron Europium-150 684 796 36.89 1.238 β+ Strontium-90 648 589 28.8 .55 β 0 Fission product Polonium-209 582 2298 125.2 4.98 α - Accelerator Titanium-44 295 587 63 .2676 EC Curium-250 241 63170 8300 170 SF or α Neutron High neutron flux required Promethium-145 194 108 17.7 .163 EC - Americium-241 161 2197 432 5.49 α - Silicon-32 140 675 153 .224 β Radium-228 107 19.4 5.75 .0458 β - Radium-226 42.0 2121 1600 4.97 α,γ - Curium-246 14.4 2170 4760 5.48 Neutron Plutonium-240 10.1 2094 6564 5.21 α,γ 2 Americium-243 9.28 2159 7370 5.439 α Carbon-14 5.94 1075 5730 .156 β 2 Chromium-51 .0758 Thallium-204 3.773 .7638 β Barium-133 10.52 .5175 EC Antimony-125 2.759 .7667 β Gold-195 .460 .2268 EC Niobium-93m 16.13 Calcium-45 .445 Bismuth-207 31.6 1.375 β+ Cadmium-109 1.267 .2142 EC Neptunium-235 1.084 .1242 EC Thulium-171 1.92 .0965 β Lead-210 22.2 .0635 β Ruthenium-106 1.02 .039 Beta Nickel-63 100.1 .0670 Beta Osmium-194 6.0 .0966 β
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A fission afterburner uses fission fuel as exhaust, with fission triggered by neutrons from a reactor.
The reactor operates in pulse mode. The reactor produces a pulse of neutrons that trigger fission in the fuel, and then the fuel is expelled. The reactor then has to cool down before generating another pulse.
A TRIGA-style reactor can produce millisecond neutron pulses. The pulse is initiated by neutrons from spallation, where high-energy protons from an accelerator strike a tungsten target and eject neutrons from tungsten nuclei. Fuel can be confined magnetically for the duration of the pulse.
Fission fuel should have a large fission cross section for thermal neutrons, and the best isotopes are:
Half life Fission Energy Quality Exhaust Neutron capture year barn MeV meter/s output Americium-242m 141 7024 195 5640 93 Daughter nuclei + Neutrons Californium-251 900 4801 207 3940 78 Daughter nuclei + Neutrons Curium-245 8500 2161 198 1740 52 Daughter nuclei + Neutrons Plutonium-239 14100 748 189 590 30 Daughter nuclei + Neutrons Uranium-235 704000000 538 181 410 25 Daughter nuclei + Neutrons Beryllium-7 .146 56800 1.644 11670 134 Lithium-7 + Proton Helium-3 Stable 5333 .764 1020 40 Tritium + Proton Boron-10 Stable 3835 2.34 820 35 Lithium-7 + Alpha Lithium-6 Stable 940 4.783 640 31 Alpha + Tritium
Fuel quality is given by:
Neutron capture cross section = A meter2 At 300 Kelvin Fission energy = E Joule Mass = M kg Mass of target + mass of neutron Fuel quality = Q = AE/M
Neutrons are chilled to liquid helium temperature before encountering the fuel, to increase the neutron capture cross section. Cross sections in the table are for 300 Kelvin.
The exhaust speed is:
Room temperature = T = 300 Kelvin Helium boiling point = t = 4.2 Kelvin Neutron chill factor = C = (T/t)½ = 8 Dimensionless Neutron capture cross section at 300 Kelvin= A meter2 Neutron capture cross section at 4 Kelvin = CA meter2 Neutron number density = n = 1019 neutrons/meter2 Target number density = N = 1/A Nuclei/meter2 Number density of fuel nuclei Fraction of targets that capture neutrons = F = n/N Exhaust energy/mass = e = CFE/M = CnAE/M Exhaust speed = V = (2e)½
The fuel number density should be large enough to capture most of the neutrons, and not larger, and this corresponds to "tA=1". At this density, most neutrons are captured. Only a small fraction of targets get neutrons. There are never enough neutrons to fission all the fuel, hence the goal is to maximize neutron density.
The fission reactor produces a neutron pulse with a density of order 1019 neutrons/meter2 and timescale of order 1 millisecond. During the pulse, the uranium in the reactor heats up by of order 3500 Kelvin. We assume 1 ton of uranium. The reactor pulse is initiated by a pulse of neutrons from spallation.
Uranium melting point = 1405 Kelvin Uranium boiling point = 4404 Kelvin Uranium melt energy = 38900 Joule/kg Uranium heat capacity = 118 Joule/kg Uranium temperature change = 3500 Kelvin Uranium heat energy change per mass = .413 MJoule/kg Uranium heat per neutron = 200 MeV/neutron Neutrons per kg of uranium = 2.6e16 Neutrons/kg Uranium mass = 1000 kg Neutrons in the pulse = 2.6e19 Neutrons Uranium density = D = 17300 kg/meter3 (liquid) Uranium radius = .24 meter Inner sphere Reactor radius = .4 meter Includes an outer shell of moderator Neutron density = 1.3e19 Neutrons/meter3
The rocket consists of concentric spherical shells, with shell 1 the innermost.
Shell 1: Contains the nuclear reactor that generates neutrons.
Shell 2: Beryllium oxide moderator to slow neutrons to room temperature.
Shell 3: Liquid helium moderator to further slow the neutrons
Shell 4: Pressure vessel containing the fission fuel and exhaust gas
Shell 5: Liquid helium moderator to return neutrons back to shell 3.
The more compact the reactor and moderator, the better. The moderator with the largest hydrogen density is TaD5.
The stopping length of a neutron in Americium-242m is:
Cross section = A = 6686 barns Atomic mass unit = u = 1.660e-27 kg Nucleons = q = 242 Nucleus mass = M = 4.02e-25 kg Atom density = N = D/u = 2.99e28 atoms/meter3 Density = D = N u q = 12000 kg/meter3 Neutron stopping length = X = 1/(AN) = 5.00e-5 meters Americium-242m mass/Area= m = D X = .6 kg/meter2
A steel gun can achieve a chamber pressure of 4⋅108 Pascals and a tungsten gun can achieve a chamber pressure of 109 Pascals.
Neutrons trigger fission in lithium-6 and the fission fragments can act as exhaust.
Lithium-6 + Neutron -> Alpha + Tritium + 4.78 MeV
For an ion drive powered by a nuclear reactor, neutrons are being produced for free and they can be harnessed for thrust with lithium-6. The aft side of the spacecraft is coated with a thin layer of lithium-6 and the neutrons trigger fission.
Lithium-6 is the best isotope for triggered fission propulsion because it has a high neutron fission cross section and because a large amount of energy is released per fission.
A neutron trigger rocket uses thermal neutrons to trigger the release of energy in a target isotope. Some isotopes, upon capturing a thermal neutron, decay immediately and produce energy. The most significant isotopes are:
1 1/64 1/16 .00098 1/200 1/4 1/4 .00031
Source Trigger Cross section Energy Energy/Mass Fragment Escape Fragment Decay output prowess barns MeV MeV/nucleon momentum number energy MeV⋅barn/nucleon efficiency efficiency Uranium-235 538 1.9 .00424 2.52 .0203 Fission fragments + Neutrons Californium-251 4801 Fission fragments + Neutrons Plutonium-239 748 2.0 .00417 2.95 Fission fragments + Neutrons Gadolinium-157 12780 254000 7.9 - 1 Gamma Americium-242m 5818 6400 220 .241 Fission fragments + Neutrons Helium-3 1350 5320 .764 .255 .188 2 .287 Proton + Tritium Lithium-6 749 940 4.78 .797 .245 2 2.34 Alpha + Tritium Boron-10 883 3837 2.3 .230 .231 1 .531 Alpha + Lithium-7 Polonium-210 5.41 .0196 1 .106 Alpha + Lead-206 Boron-10 347 303 11.45 - 1 Gamma Lithium-7 .0454 2.03 - 1 Gamma .84 seconds Lithium-6 47 39 7.25 - 1 Gamma Hydrogen-1 .7 .333 2.23 2.23 - 1 Gamma Plutonium-239 748 211.5 .885 - Fission fragments + Neutrons Lithium-8 16.10 Beta Beryllium-8 .0918 Alpha
The "trigger prowess" reflects the energy/mass extracted from the target.
Fragmentation energy = H Fragment momentum efficiency = Q Escape number = g Fragment energy efficiency = k = HQg Heat efficiency = q Exhaust energy efficiency = K = HQgq Neutron capture cross section = A Energy yield = E Number of nucleons = m Trigger prowess = P = AE/m
Gamma and beta decays are not useful for rockets because these particles interact weakly with matter, plus the recoil nucleus has low momentum and energy.
A "heavy decay" is a decay that contains nucleons, such as an alpha, proton, or fission fragment. A heavy decay is useful for rockets because these particles interact strongly with matter and all of their energy goes into the exhaust gas.
The most useful isotopes for a rocket are Americium-242m, Helium-3, Lithium-6, and Boron-10.
Helium-3 and Lithium-6 can be used directly as exhaust because all the decay particles are lightweight.
Momentum efficiency = f = .245 Escape efficiency = .25 Energy ratio = .0226 Total efficiency = .00138 Reactor energy/mass = 2000 Watts/kg Exhaust energy/mass = 2.8 Watts/kg Disintegration energy = 4.78 MeV Fission energy =211.5 MeV Tritium stopping length =.000394 meter Alpha stopping length =.000074 meter Neutron stopping length =.000092 meter Total efficiency
Cross section = A = 940 barns Lithium-6 density = D = 530 kg/meter2 Atomic mass unit = m = 1.660e-27 kg Lithium-6 mass = M = 6 m = 9.96e-27 Lithium-6 number/volume = N = D/M = 5.32e28 atoms/meter3 Lithium-6 thickness = X = .0004 meters Lithium-6 number/area = n = XN = 2.13e25 atoms/meter2 Hits/area = h = 1.38e21 hits/meter2 Stopping length = L = 1/(AN) = .000200 meters Lithium-6 decay energy = E = 4.78 MeV Exhaust speed = V = 100 km/s Lithium-6 energy/mass = e = 76900 GJoules/kg Exhaust energy/mass = e = 5 GJoules/kg Hit fraction = f =.000065 Plutonium-239 energy = 211.5 MeV
Fission heat = H = 211.5 MeV Neutrons/fission = N = 2 Decay energy = E = 4.78 MeV Rocket efficiency = Z = NE/H = .045 Reactor power/mass= p = 800 Watts/kg Exhaust power/mass= p = 36 Watts/kg Energy = E Mass = M Energy/mass = e Momentum = Q Momentum/mass= q = V Acceleration = A
Fission cross section = A Fuel density = D Nucleus mass = m Nucleus number density = n = D/m Fuel heat capacity = C = 116 Joules/kg/Kelvin Fuel max temperature = T Fuel temperature change = t
The neutron density should be as large as possible, which is achieved by pulsing the reactor. A pulse produces a swarm of neutrons, raises the temperature of the reactor, and then the reactor has to cool back down for another pulse. To estimate the number of neutrons produced by a reactor pulse,
Reactor temperature increase = T = 1000 Kelvin Plutonium heat capacity = C = 115 Joules/kg/Kelvin Change in Energy/Mass = e = CT = 115000 Joules/kg Fission fuel mass = M Reactor heat energy gain = H = MCT Heat per fission = h = 189.5 MeV Number of fissions = F = H/h Thermal neutrons per fission = n = 1 Varies according to reactor design Thermal neutrons produced = N = Fn
To calculate the neutron density,
Plutonium density = D =19800 kg/meter3 Plutonium volume fraction = f = .1 Volume fraction of plutonium in the reactor Reactor size = L Plutonium fuel mass = M = DfL3 M/LLL = Df Neutron density = d = N/L3 = DfCTn/h = 7.5⋅1018 neutrons/meter3
The probability that an afterburner nucleus fissions is:
Fission cross section = A = 4801 barns Neutrons/meter2 = F = N/L2 = DfCTnL/h = 7.5⋅1018 neutrons/meter2 Fission probability = P = FA = 3.6⋅10-6
The energy/mass generated by the afterburner fissions is:
Fission energy = E = 175.8 MeV Californium-251 mass = m =4.17⋅10-25 kg Fission energy/mass = e = PE/m = 243 MJoules/kg
In a conventional thermal hydrogen rocket, atomic hydrogen exhaust has a speed of 13 km/s and an energy/mass of 84 MJoules/kg. The energy/mass of the afterburner fuel is larger than that of conventional exhaust.
Fission has a larger energ/mass than any radioactive isotope. Neutron triggering can produce larger energy/mass than fission, energy/mass than fission are is the neutron-triggered of boron-10.
Boron-10 + Neutron -> Lithium-7 + Alpha + 2.3 MeV 3837 barns Lithium-7 + Neutron -> Lithium-8 + Gamma + 2.03 MeV .0454 barns Lithium-8 -> Beryllium-8 + Beta +12.97 MeV .84 seconds Beryllium-8 -> Alpha + Alpha + 3.12 MeV 82 nanoseconds Beryllium-9 + Neutron -> Beryllium-10 + 6.81 MeV .010 barns Beryllium-10 + Neutron -> Beryllium-11 + .50 MeV .001 barns Beryllium-11 -> Boron-11 + Beta + 11.51 MeV 13.8 seconds Boron-11 + Neutron -> Boron-12 + 3.37 MeV .007 barns Boron-12 -> Carbon-12 + 13.37 MeV 20 milliseconds Carbon-12 + Neutron -> Carbon-13 + 4.95 MeV Carbon-13 + Neutron -> Carbon-14 + 8.18 MeV Carbon-14 + Neutron -> Carbon-15 Carbon-15 -> Nitrogen-15 2.45 seconds
The total energy is
Source Cross section Energy Energy/Mass barns MeV MeV/nucleon Hydrogen-1 .333 2.23 2.23 Gamma Plutonium-239 748 211.5 .885 Fission fragments + Neutrons Curium-250 220 .88 Fission fragments + Neutrons Lithium-6 940 4.78 .797 Alpha + Tritium Helium-3 5320 .764 .255 Proton + Tritium Boron-10 3837 2.3 .230 Alpha + Lithium-7 Boron-10 chain 20 2 Lithium-6 39 7.25 Gamma Californium-251 4801 Fission fragments Gadolinium-157 254000 7.9 - 1 Gamma Americium-242m 6400 220 .241 Fission fragments Polonium-210 5.41 .0196 1 .106 Alpha + Lead-206 Boron-10 303 11.45 - 1 Gamma Lithium-7 .0454 2.03 - 1 Gamma .84 seconds Lithium-8 16.10 Beta Beryllium-8 .0918 Alpha
Hydrogen-1 2.23 2.23 .333 Hydrogen-2 + Gamma Fission Pu-239 211.5 .88 748 Fission fragments Lithium-6 4.78 .80 940 Alpha + Tritium Helium-3 .764 .26 5320 Hydrogen-3 + Proton Boron-10 2.31 .23 3837 Lithium-7 + Alpha Helium-3 20.58 6.86 5320 Hydrogen-4 + Gamma Lithium-6 chain 22.90 3.82 .0454 Alpha + Tritium + Gamma Lithium-7 18.12 2.59 .0454 Alpha + Alpha + Beta + Gamma Boron-10 chain 20.42 2.04 .0454 Alpha + Alpha + Alpha + Beta + Gamma Li-6 + H-2 .23 Beryllium-7 .862 .123 Hydrogen-3 .0186 .0062 0 Helium-3 + Beta 1 MeV/Nucleon = 96.5 TJoules/kg Helium-3 20.58 6.86 5320 Hydrogen-2 6.76 3.38 .000519 Beryllium-7 18.90 2.70 Beta decay .862 MeV, .146 years Lithium-7 chain 18.12 2.59 .0454 Hydrogen-1 2.23 2.23 .333 Boron-10 chain 20.42 2.04 Lithium-6 4.78 .80 940 Beryllium-9 6.81 .76 Carbon-12 4.95 .41 Boron-10 2.3 .23 3837 Lithium-6 7.25 39 gamma Beryllium-8 Beryllium-10 .502 Boron-10 11.45 303 Gamma Boron-11 3.37 Boron-10 chain 20.42 2.04 Hydrogen-1 2.23 2.23 .333 Hydrogen-2 6.76 3.38 .000519 Hydrogen-3 .000006 Helium-3 20.58 6.86 5320 Helium-4 0 Lithium-6 4.78 .80 940 Lithium-6 7.25 39 gamma Lithium-7 2.03 .0454 Beryllium-7 18.90 Beta decay .862 MeV, .146 years Beryllium-8 Beryllium-9 6.81 .010 Beryllium-10 .502 1.39 million years Boron-10 2.3 3837 Boron-10 11.45 303 Gamma Boron-11 3.37 Carbon-12 4.95 Carbon-13 8.18 .0005 Nitrogen-14 10.83 Nitrogen-15 2.49 Oxygen-16 4.14 .0001 Oxygen-17 8.04 Oxygen-18 3.96 Fluorine-19 6.60 Source Trigger Cross section Energy Energy/Mass Fragment Escape Fragment Decay output prowess barns MeV MeV/nucleon momentum number energy MeV⋅barn/nucleon efficiency efficiency Helium-3 1350 5320 .764 .255 .188 2 .287 Proton + Tritium Lithium-6 749 940 4.78 .797 .245 2 2.34 Alpha + Tritium Boron-10 883 3837 2.3 .230 .231 1 .531 Alpha + Lithium-7 Boron-10 347 303 11.45 - 1 Gamma Lithium-6 47 39 7.25 - 1 Gamma Lithium-7 .0454 2.03 - 1 Gamma .84 seconds Hydrogen-1 .7 .333 2.23 2.23 - 1 Gamma Lithium-8 16.10 Beta Beryllium-8 .0918 Alpha
Decay energy = E = 4.78 MeV Neutron capture cross section = A = 940 barns Lithium-6 mass = M =9.96e-27 kg Lithium-6 density
Neutrons/s/kg years Californium-252 2.3e15 2.65 Plutonium-240 1.0e6 6600
The structural materials with the highest melting points are:
Melt Boil Density Kelvin Kelvin g/cm3 Ta Hf carbide 4263 14.8 Ta4HfC5 Hafnium carbide 4201 12.2 HfC Tantalum carbide 4150 15 TaC Niobium carbide 3881 7.82 NbC Zirconium carbide 3805 5370 6.73 ZrC Carbon (graphite) 3800 2.15 C Tungsten 3695 6203 19.2 W Tantalum 3290 16.7 Ta Tungsten carbide 3103 6270 15.6 WC
Appendix: Expanded table of melting points
Melt Density Kelvin Uranium 1405 19.1 2.42 46.2 Plutonium 912 19.8 2.87 56.8 Americium 1449 12 3.26 39.1 Curium 1613 13.5 3.83 51.7 Berkelium 14 Californium 1173 15.1 4.1 61.9 Einsteinium 8.84 4.2 37.1 Fermium UO2 3138 10.97 UC 2620 13.6 12.9 2.42 31.2 UB2 2700 12.7 11.6 PuO2 3017 11.5 PuC 1931 13.5 Pu2C3 2293 12.7 PuC2 2513 10.9 AmO2 11.7 Cm2O3 2538Metal-oxides usually have a higher melting point than the corresponding metal. Uranium and plutonium are usually used in oxide form in nuclear reactors for their high melting points. The melting points of nuclear materials are:
Metal Metal-oxide Metal-carbide Metal-oxide melt melt melt formula Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Beryllium 1560 2780 2370 BeO Cobalt 1768 2206 - CoO Strontium 1050 2804 - SrO Zirconium 2128 3805 Caesium 302 763 - Cs2O Molybdenum 2896 1370 2960 MoO2 Promethium 1315 2573 Pm2O3 Europium 1099 2620 Eu2O3 Tungsten 3695 1970 3103 Polonium 527 773 PoO2 Radium 973 Uranium 1405 3138 2620 UO2 Plutonium 912 3017 PuO2 Americium 1449 AmO2 Curium 1613 Cm2O3 Californium 1173 CfO2
Cooling governs the power/mass ratio of the power source. The power/mass of a blackbody radiator is:
Stefan-Boltzmann contant = B = 5.67⋅10-8 Watts/m2/Kelvin4 Surface temperature = T Blackbody power/area = a = BT4 Radiator mass/area = Q = 12 kg/meter Radiator power/mass = p = BT4/Q Temperature Power/Area Power/Mass Kelvin kWatts/kg kWatts/kg 300 .46 .038 400 1.45 .121 500 3.54 .295 1000 56 4.725 1500 287 24 2000 907 76 2500 2210 185 3000 4590 383
Heat is transferred from the reactor to the propellant by blackbody radiation. Hydrogen is largely transparent to this radiation and so solid microparticles are added to absorb the radiation. TaC and HfC are typically used because they have the highest melting temperature of known materials.
The efficiency of a Carnot engine is:
Hot reservoir temperature = T Cold reservoir temperature = t Carnot efficiency = e = (1-t/T)
The hot reservoir temperature should be as large as possible and is govermed by the maximum temperature of the reactor materials. The choice of cold reservoir temperature is a tradeoff between thermal efficiency and power/mass. A large cold-reservoir temperature gives low efficiency a high power/mass. A small cold-reservoir temperature gives high efficiency and low power/mass.
For a fission rocket, the challenge is power. Energy is abundant and so efficiency isn't an issue. Fission thermal rockets typically chose a large value for the cold reservoir temperature to maximize power/mass.
Joules/kg/Kelvin Hydrogen atom 12400 Hydrogen molecule 14300 Helium 5190 Lithium 3580 Beryllium 1820 Tungsten 132 Uranium 116
Thickness = X Meters Temperature differential = T Kelvin Thermal conductivity = C Watts/Kelvin/meter Heat flux = F = CT/X = T/B Watts/meter2
Melting points for oxides, carbides, nitrides, and borides:
Element Oxide Carbide Nitride Boride Hydride Fluoride Heat cap Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin KJoules/kg Hydrogen - 14.30 Helium 5.19 Lithium 454 1711 823 3.58 Beryllium 1560 2780 2370 2470 523 1.82 Boron 2349 723 3036 3246 108 Carbon 3800 - .709 Oxygen - 273 Sodium 371 1.23 Lead .129 Magnesium 923 3125 ? 1100 600 1.02 Aluminum 933 2345 1770 423 .897 Silicon 1687 1986 3100 88 Sulfur 222 Scandium 1814 unstable Titanium 1941 2116 3430 3200 3500 623 Vanadium 2183 963 3080 2320 2723* Chromium 2180 2708 2168 2443* Manganese Iron 1811 996 1570 Cobalt 1768 2206 1733* Nickel 1728 1398* Copper 1358 Zinc unstable Selenium 239 Strontium 1050 2804 1470 2508 Zirconium 2128 2988 3805 3225 3323* 1070 Niobium 2750 2188 3881 2846 3323* NbO2 Molybdenum 2896 1370 2960 2643* 291 Technetium 2430 393 311 Ruthenium 2607 1470 exist 327 Rhodium 2237 1370 343 Palladium 1828 Silver 1234 Cadmium 594 Tin unstable Tellurium 234 Xenon 224 Caesium 302 763 Lanthanum 2480 Gadolinium 1585 2690 Samarium 1345 2608 Lutetium 1925 3675 Hafnium 2506 4230 3520 Tantalum 3290 2145 4150 3360 3373 Tungsten 3695 1970 3103 exist 2943 276 Rhenium 3459 1273 dne 2670 292 Osmium 3306 773 future dne exist 307 Iridium 2719 1370 317 Platinum 2041 335 Lead unstable .129 Bismuth unstable Radium 973 Element Oxide Carbide Nitride Boride Hydride Fluoride Heat cap Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin KJoules/kg Actinium 3471 Thorium 5061 Protactinium 4300 Uranium 1405 3138 2620 1170 2700 337 4404 Neptunium 328 4273 Plutonium 912 3017 325 3505 Americium 1449 2478 2880 Curium 1613 1992 3383 Californium 1173 2023 1743 Einsteinium 1133 1269 Fermium 1800 Diamond Quartz Graphite Corundum 2317 Lead unstable .129 1.46 11.34 Element Oxide Carbide Nitride Boride Hydride Fluoride Heat cap Heat cap Density Boil Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin KJoules/kg KJoules/litre gram/cm3
Melt Boil Density Kelvin Kelvin g/cm3 HfCN 4400 HfCN TaHf carbide 4263 14.8 Ta4HfC5 Hafnium carbide 4201 12.2 HfC Tantalum carbide 4150 ~15 TaC Niobium carbide 3881 7.82 NbC Zirconium carbide 3805 5370 6.73 ZrC Carbon (graphite) 3800 2.15 Tungsten 3695 6203 19.2 Hafnium diboride 3520 10.5 HfB2 Zirconium diboride 3519 6.08 ZrB2 Titanium diboride 3500 4.52 TiB2 Rhenium 3459 21.0 Titanium carbide 3430 5090 4.93 TiC Tantalum diboride 3373 TaB2 Tantalum nitride 3360 14.3 TaN Osmium 3306 5285 22.6 Tantalum 3290 16.7 Boron nitride 3246 2.1 BN Titanium nitride 3200 5.22 TiN Uranium oxide 3138 10.97 UO2 Magnesium oxide 3125 3870 3.6 MgO Tungsten carbide 3103 6270 15.6 WC Silicon carbide 3100 3.16 SiC Vanadium carbide 3080 5.77 VC Boron carbide 3036 3770 2.52 B4C Plutonium oxide 3017 3070 11.5 PuO2 Molybdenum carbide 2960 8.90 MoC Tungsten boride 2943 W2B Tungsten boride 2928 WB Molybdenum 2896 10.3 Strontium oxide 2804 3470 4.70 SrO Beryllium oxide 2780 4170 3.01 BeO Niobium 2750 8.57 Iridium 2719 22.6 Uranium diboride 2700 12.7 UB2 Uranium carbide 2620 13.63 UC Ruthenium 2607 12.4 Strontium hexaboride2508 3.39 SrB6 Hafnium 2506 13.3 Lanthanum hexaboride2480 4.72 LaB6 Beryllium nitride 2470 2510 2.71 Be3N2 Technetium 2430 11 Beryllium carbide 2370 1.9 Be2C Boron 2349 2.34 Aluminum oxide 2345 3250 3.99 Al2O3 Vanadium nitride 2320 6.13 VN Sapphire 2300 4.0 Al2O3 Rhodium 2237 12.4 Vanadium 2183 6.0 Chromium 2180 7.15 Chromium carbide 2168 4070 6.68 Cr3C2 Tantalum oxide 2145 8.13 Ta2O5 Zirconium 2128 6.52 Cobalt oxide 2206 6.44 CoO Titanium oxide 2116 3245 4.23 TiO2 Quartz 1986 2.65 SiO2 Tungsten oxide 1970 10.8 WO2 Titanium 1941 4.51 Palladium 1828 12.0 Scandium 1814 2.98 Iron 1811 7.86 Aluminum carbide 1770 2.93 Al4C3 Cobalt 1768 3200 8.90 Nickel 1728 8.91 Lithium oxide 1711 2870 2.01 Li2O Silicon 1687 2.33 Curium 1613 3383 13.5 Iron boride 1570 7.15 FeB Beryllium 1560 1.85 Americium 1449 2880 12 Uranium 1405 4404 19.0 Molybdenum dioxide 1370 6.47 Copper 1358 8.96 Silver 1234 10.5 Californium 1173 1743 15.1 Uranium nitride 1170 11.3 UN Magnesium diboride 1100 2.57 MgB2 Strontium 1050 1650 2.64 Iron carbide 996 Fe3C Radium 973 2010 5.5 Aluminum 933 2.70 Magnesium 923 1.74 Plutonium 912 3505 19.82 Polonium 527 1235 9.3 Lithium carbide 823 1.3 Li2C2 Caesium oxide 763 4.65 Cs2O Cadmium 594 8.65 Lithium 454 .53 Sodium 371 .97 Caesium 302 944 1.93 Tantalum hydride 15.1 TaH Hafnium hydride 11.4 HfH2 Zirconium hydride 1070 5.6 ZrH2
Power/Mass Half life Decay Melt Decay Side Distance Potholes Watt/kg year MeV mode Rhenium-184 .104 5869 e+ < 1 Tungsten-188 .191 .349 3695 3695 6203 Metal e- > 2 Hafnium-181 .116 2506 4201 4876 Carbide e- > 1 Hafnium-175 .192 2506 4201 4876 Carbide e+ > 1 Osmium-185 .256 EC > 1 Tungsten-181 9546 .332 .1877 3695 3695 6203 Metal EC Rhenium-184m .463 .188 IT or e+ < 1 Rhodium-102 67003 .567 1.268 2237 3968 e+ or e- Ruthenium-106 1116 1.018 .0394 2607 4423 e- Tantalum-179 991 1.82 .1056 3290 4150 5731 Carbide EC < 1 Hafnium-172 3210 1.87 .338 2506 4201 4876 Carbide EC < 2 Rhodium-101 4967 3.3 .542 2237 3968 EC < 2 Osmium-194 6.02 2.33 3306 5285 e- > 2 pothole 30.1 hours Niobium-93m 16.13 .03077 2750 3881 5017 Carbide Gamma = 0 Hafnium-178m2 1401 31 2.446 2506 4201 4876 Carbide Gamma = 0 Platinum-193 50 .0568 EC > 1 Uranium-232 1035 68.9 5.414 1405 3138 4404 Oxide Alpha Niobium-91 680 2750 3881 5017 Carbide < 2 Plutonium-238 818 87.7 5.59 912 3017 3505 Oxide Alpha Plutonium-241 4315 14.4 4.90 912 3017 3505 Oxide Alpha Curium-243 2666 29.1 6.169 1613 1992 3383 Oxide Alpha Curium-244 4014 18.1 5.80 1613 1992 3383 Oxide Alpha Curium-250 241 8300 5.17 1613 1992 3383 Oxide SF or Alpha Cobalt-60 27300 5.27 2.82 1768 2206 3200 Oxide e-, Gamma Beryllium-7 .146 2742 EC < 2 Californium-252 58470 2.64 6.12 1173 2023 1743 Oxide Alpha or SF Californium-250 5779 13.1 6.02 1173 2023 1743 Oxide Alpha or SF Beryllium-7 2577000 .146 .862 1560 2780 2742 Oxide EC Titanium-44 295 63 .268 1941 3430 3560 Carbide EC Titanium-60 60.0 EC < Niobium-93m 16.13 .03077 IT > 0 Ruthenium-106 1.023 e- > 2 105 is 4.44 hours Rhodium-102 .567 e+ or e- Rhodium-102m 3.742 .1408 e+ Vanadium-49 .901 EC < Zirconium-95 .175 > 1 Lutetium-173 1.37 EC < Iridium-192 .202 e- or EC > 1 Lutetium-174 3.31 3675 e+ < 1 Lutetium-174m1 .389 .171 3675 IT < 1 Lutetium-177 .0182 e- > 1 Lutetium-177m3 .439 .970 e- or IT > 1
Melt Neutron capture Kelvin barn Ta Hf carbide 4263 60 Hafnium carbide 4201 104 Tantalum carbide 4150 20 Niobium carbide 3881 1.15 Zirconium carbide 3805 .184 Diamond 3800 .0035 Tungsten 3695 18.3 Rhenium 3459 89.7 Osmium 3306 15 Tantalum 3290 20.6 Tungsten carbide 3103 18.3 Iridium 2719 425 Hafnium 2506 104 Molybdenum 2896 2.6 Niobium 2750 1.15 Ruthenium 2607 2.56 Technetium 2430 20 Rhodium 2237 145 Vanadium 2183 5.08 Chromium 2180 3.1 Zirconium 2128 .184 Platinum 2041 .96 Titanium 1941 6.09 Lutetium 1925 84 Palladium 1828 Fermium 1800 Curium 1613 Americium 1449 Uranium 1405 Californium 1173 Einsteinium 1133 Plutonium 912
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