Dr. Jay Maron

Tensile stress

For a rod under tension,

Rod cross-sectional area = A         meter2
Tensile force            = F         Meter
Tensile stress           = P = F/A   Pascal


Tensile strain is stretching, and is measured as a fractional change in length. For a rod under strain,

Rod length            =  X         Meter
Rod change in length  =  x         Meter
Strain                =  s  = x/X  Dimensionless

Tensile modulus

The tensile modulus is resistance to strain, and can be thought of as stiffness. This is a form of Hooke's law. For a rod under stress,

Stress on the rod     = P        Pascals
Rod tensile modulus   = T        Pascals
Rod strain            = s = P/T  Dimensionless

Tensile strength

A material's "tensile strength" is the maximum tensile stress it can take before breaking.

Tensile strength      =  tbreak              Newton/meter2   (Pascals)
Cross-sectional area  =  A                  meter2
Breaking force        =  Fbreak = tbreak A    Newton

Yield strength

A material's "tensile yield strength" is the maximum stress it can take before deforming irreversibly. For metals, the yield strength is usually 3/4 of the tensile strength, and for wood, the yield strength is only slightly less than the tensile strength.

For engineering, we focus on yield strength rather than tensile strength.

Elasticity data

Yield strain

A material's "tensile yield strain" is the maximum strain it can take before yielding. For metals, the value varies widely.

Alloying a metal doesn't change the tensile modulus, but it improves yield strain.

Yield strength    =  t          Pascals
Tensile modulus   =  T          Pascals
Yield strain      =  S  =  t/T  Dimensionless


Density                =  ρ          kg/meter2

Cross-sectional area   =  A          meter2
Force                  =  F          Newton
Tensile stress         =  P  =  F/A  Pascals

Tensile modulus        =  T          Pascals
Tensile yield stress   =  t          Pascals
Tensile breaking stress=  tbreak      Pascals

Strain                 =  s  =  P/T  Dimensionless
Tensile yield strain   =  S  =  t/T  Dimensionless

Tensile energy/volume  =  evol =  ½ T s2     Joule/meter3
Tensile energy/mass    =  e   =  ½ T s2/ρ    Joule/kg

Textbook on elasticity

Strong metals

The table shows the "strong metals", the metals with good strength/density.


For bridges, what counts is strength/density.

For wood and for the strong metals,

Tensile modulus / Density  ~  25 MJoules/kg

Beryllium is an exception, with a value of 137 MJoules/kg.

The plot shows the tensile modulus divided by density.


For many applications, the measure of the quality of a material is the elastic energy/mass it can take before yielding. For this, a material should have a large tensile modulus and a large yield strain.

Tensile modulus        =  T
Tensile yield strength =  t
Tensile yield strain   =  S
Density                =  ρ
Tensile energy/volume  =  evol =  ½ T S2       Joule/meter3
Tensile energy/mass    =  e    =  ½ T S2/ρ     Joule/kg

The best materials are polymers such as Kevlar.

Alloys outperform pure metals. The best alloy is titanium alloy.


The types of deformation are tension, shear, and bulk compression.

Bulk compression

Poisson ratio

A wire shortens when stretched and widens when compressed.

dX            =  Fractional increase in length of the wire
dY            =  Fractional decrease in diameter of the wire
PoissonRatio  =  dY / dX

For an isotropic material, the tensile, shear, and bulk moduli are related through the dimensionless Poisson ratio.

Tensile modulus        =  T          Pascals
Shear modulus          =  Tshear     Pascals
Bulk modulus           =  Tbulk      Pascals
Poisson ratio          =  U          dimensionless

T  =  2 (1 + U) Tshear  =  3 (1 - 2U) Tbulk


For beams, the types of stresses are:



Tensile strength relates to the strength of wires.

Two vices pull on a wire

Tensile yield strength =  t          Newton/meter2   (Pascals)
Cross-sectional area   =  A          meter2
Yield force            =  F  = tA    Newton


For bending, the yield force of a beam is determined by the shear yield strength.

Beam length            =  X   meter
Beam width             =  Y   meter
Beam height            =  Z   meter          The force is in the Z direction
Beam yield force       =  f   Newton
Tensile yield strength =  t   Pascal
Poisson ratio          =  U   dimensionless
Shear yield strength   =  tshear = ½ t / (1+U)   Pascal
Bending yield force    =  f  =  ⅔ tshear Y Z2 / X

Z matters more than Y. If you have a beam with a 2x4 cross section, it's best to align the beam so that Z=4 and Y=2, rather than with Z=2 and Y=4.

Column crushing

Short columns fail by crushing and long columns fail by buckling.

Crushing strength is determined by bulk yield strength.

Bulk yield strength  =  tbulk        Newton/meter2   (Pascals)
Cross-sectional area =  A            meter2
Crushing force       =  F  = bbulkA  Newton

Column buckling

Long columns fail by buckling, and strength is determined by tensile yield strength.

For a column that is cylindrical and hollow,

Column length          =  L
Column outer radius    =  R
Column inner radius    =  r
Column boundary factor =  K        dimensionless
                       =   .5      if both ends are fixed
                       =  2        if one end is fixed and the other end is free to move laterally
                       =  1        if both ends are pinned  (hinged and free to rotate)
                       =   .699    if one end is fixed and the other is pinned
Tensile yield strength =  t
Buckling force         =  f  =  ½ π3 t (R4-r4) / (K L)2

Buckling threshold

If a column's buckling limit is equal to its squashing limit, and if r=0,

R/L  =  (K/π) (tbulk/t)1/2

Beam scalings

Beam length            = L
Beam radius            = R
Beam tension strength  ~  R2
Beam bending strength  ~  R3/L
Beam buckling strength ~  R4/L2

Beams and density

For beams and columns, the lower the density, the better.

For a square beam with Y=Z,

Density           =  ρ
Mass              =  M  =  X Y Z ρ
Beam yield force  =  F  =  ⅔ s Y Z2 / X  =  ⅔ S M3/2 ρ-3/2 / X5/2

At fixed length and mass, the measure of quality is t/ρ3/2.

Columns and density

For a cylindrical column,

Density                =  ρ
Mass                   =  M  =  π R2 L ρ
Column effective length=  K                 = 1/2   dimensionless        For a column that's fixed at both ends
Column buckling force  =  F  =  ½ π3 t R4 / (K L)2  =  ½ π3 t M2 ρ-2 / (K2 L4)

At fixed length and mass, the measure of quality is t ρ-2.


The measure of merit depends on the application. If force/mass is what counts, then the measure of merit is

Tensile yield strength / Density         Beam under tension
Tensile yield strength / Density3/2      Beam under shear
Tensile yield strength / Density2        Beam under compression


For many applications, the measure of merit for a material is energy/mass, where "energy" is the maximum elastic energy the material can take before breaking. This applies to things like racquets, aircraft, and swords. The cases are:

Case            Measure of merit

Tension         Energy / Mass
Shear           Energy / Mass / Density1/2
Compression     Energy / Mass / Density

Strong woods

The strongest woods are:

              Density   Tensile   Tensile  Hardness
                        strength  modulus
              gram/cm3  GPascal   GPascal  kNewton

 Balsa            .12    .020     3.7      .31
 Cedar, white     .32    .046     5.7
 Cedar, red       .34    .054     8.2
 Pine, white      .37    .063     9.0     1.9
 Spruce, red      .41    .072    11.7
 Redwood          .44    .076     9.6
 Ash, black       .53    .090    11.3
 Walnut, black    .56    .104    11.8     4.5
 Ash, white       .64    .110    12.5     5.9
 Mahogany         .67    .124    10.8
 Locust, black    .71    .136    14.5     7.6
 Hickory          .81    .144    15.2
 Bamboo           .85    .15     20.0     7.2
 Oak, live        .98    .13     13.8
 Ironwood        1.1     .181    21.0    14.5
 Verawood        1.19    .178    15.7    16.5
 Quebracho       1.24    .14     16.6    20.3
 Lignum vitae    1.26    .127    14.1    19.5
 Ironwood, black 1.36    .125    20.5    16.3

Wood Strength/Density

Tensile yield strength  =  t   Pascal
Density                 =  ρ   kg/meter3

For most woods, t/ρ has a similar value. For t/ρ2, balsa wins. We plot t/ρ, t/ρ3/2, and t/ρ2.

Wood Energy/Density


To compare wood to other materials,

Wood grain

For a vertical tree trunk, "longitudinal" is the vertical direction. "Radial" is the direction from the tree center axis, going outward in the horizonal plane. "Tangential" is the direction along a tree ring, in the horizontal plane.

Poisson numbers:

                 Longitudinal  Radial  Tangential

Wood, low density    .4         .25       .2
Wood, high density   .43        .35       .18

The strongest direction is the longitudinal direction and the weakest direction is the radial direction. For a beam under bending stress, you should align the longitudinal grain with the long axis of the beam, and you should align the tangential grain with the direction of the force.

Bridge design


Brown truss
Pratt truss
Pratt truss
Howe truss
Bowstring truss

A hollow beam is weaker than a solid beam, but it has a better stength/mass ratio. This is the point of a truss. A truss consists of a set of upper and lower beams connected by struts. The struts deliver forces between the beams and they resist warp. Struts are arranged as triangles because triangles resist warp better than squares.

In a Pratt truss, diagonal beams are under tension and vertical beams are under compression.

A Howe truss is like a Pratt truss except that the diagonals slant the opposite way. In a Howe truss, diagonal beams are under compression and vertical beams are under tension.

Beams under compression should be wider than beams under tension. Compression is harder than tension.

Bridges from centuries ago tended to use wood for compression elements and steel rods for tension elements.


Triangles are stronger than squares. A structure needs triangles to resist warping.

3D truss

Diamond lattice
Diamond lattice

Suspension bridge

Tension is easy. If you can use pure tension, do it.


Roman bridge

A cable hangs as a catenary, and the ideal form for an arch is a catenary.

A hanging catenary transforms the load into pure tension.

An arch transforms the load into pure compression.

For a suspension bridge supporting a road, if the cable is heavier than the road, then the cable hangs as a catenary. If the road is heavier than the cable, the cable hangs as a parabola.


If you want height, use a concave catenary. If you want volume, use a convex catenary.

Arch bridge

The arch can go above or below.

Arch and truss

You can combine an arch and a truss.

Cantor design

Compressive strength


Concrete and ceramics typically have much higher compressive strengths than tensile strengths. Concrete is typically mixed with steel bars to improve tensile strength.


Mark Klinger has experimental results for balsa on his Youtube channel "Balsa Engineer", which we quote.

Density                 = D       ~ 160     kg/meter3
Tensile strength        = t       ~    .027 Pascal
Tensile modulus         = T       ~   4.9   Pascal
Tensile breaking strain = s = t/T = .0055   Dimensionless

Balsa varies widely in density, with the above quantities being averages.

The value of "s" is largely independent of density. Strength and modulus are proportional to density.

There is an offset to the linear relationship. Strength goes to zero before density goes to zero. It rounds out toward zero to compensate.


For many applications, what counts is tensile strength per density.

Tensile modulus/density = Td ~   31  MJoule/kg
Tensile strength/density= td ~ .169  kJoule/kg

td = s Td

Td can be tested non-destructively while s can't. For s, all you can do is to establish a minimum value and cull the weak material.

It would be interesting to plot s and Td to look for correlation. Density can be indicated with color.

Structure function

Imagine carving a rod from a balsa block, and also carving out neighboring rods and measuring their yield strain "s". This may prove to be a good predictor of the yield strain of the central rod. One could measure yield strain for the central rod and neighboring rods and do statistics on an ensemble of central rods.

A structure function characterizes changes in a quantity as a function of change in space. Let F(x) be a function on a 1D spatial variable x, and define its structure function S(r).

S2(r) = ∫0 [F(r-x) - F(x)]2 dx

For a function F(x) on a 3D variable x, you can define a 1D structure function by making the integral over volume. r is 1D.

r is 1D, but it can point in any direction in 3D. One can define an orthoganal set of 3 structure functions spanning 3 dimensions. The structure functions can be aligned to coincide with the axes of the wood grain.


Balsa can be bred.


                 Tensile   Density   Set   Cure
                 strength            time  time
                 MPascal   gram/cm3  hour  hour

Epoxy              50       1.18      5      42
Cyanoacrylate      27       1.1        .01   24
Polyvinyl acetate  25       1.19       .3    24      Elmer's glue
Polyurethane       24                 1.5    18
UV glue            20                 -        .01
Silicone rubber     8       1.24      1      42
Rubber cement       5       1.06       .1    12
Duct tape            .01               .01     .01



Natural rubber
Butyl rubber

Rubber has many types, with widely-varying elastic properties. For an aircraft motor, what matters is energy/mass, and butyl rubber does well.

Tensile yield strength   =  t
Tensile modulus          =  Γ
Yield strain             =  Δ  =  t/Γ
Density                  =  ρ
Elastic energy/volume    =  E  =  ½ Γ Δ2
Elastic energy/mass      =  e  =  ½ Γ Δ2 / ρ

                  Tensile Tensile  Yield   Density  Tensile       Common
                  modulus  yield   strain  (g/cm3)  energy/mass   name
                   (GPa)   (GPa)                   (kJoule/kg)

Rubber, butyl         .007    .020    7         .92     186
Rubber, natural       .003    .025    8         .92     104
Rubber, styrene       .006    .0175   4.75      .94      54
Rubber, polyurethane  .006    .025    3.75     1.25      34
Rubber, nitrile       .004    .015    3.5      1.0       19.6
Rubber, silicone      .00066  .0073   7.4      1.25      14.4
Rubber, poly          .015    .005     .92
Rubber, neoprene      .020    .0025    .12     1.23       1.2        Chloroprene

Cotton              15        .5       .1      1.5       50
Gut                           .2

Aramid             135       3         .022    1.43      22.8        Kevlar
Polyamide            5       1         .2      1.14      88          Nylon, Perlon
Polyester           15       1         .067    1.38      24
HMPE               100       2.4       .024     .97      30          Dyneema, Spectra
Vectran PBO        280       5.8       .021    1.52      41          Zylon
Vectran LCAP        65       3.8       .058    1.4       78
Vectran HT          75       3.2       .043    1.41      49
Vectran NT          52       1.1       .021    1.41       8.1
Vectran UM         103       3         .029    1.41      31
Spider silk         10       1.6       .16     1.56      82
Carbon nanorope   1050       3.6       .0034   1.34       4.5
Graphene          1050     160         .152    1.0    12000

Carbon fiber       181       1.6       .0088   1.8       3.9
Magnesium alloy     45        .26      .0058   1.74       .43
Aluminum alloy      70        .41      .0059   2.70       .45
Titanium alloy     116       1.10      .0095   4.51      1.16
Steel alloy        211       1.5       .0071   7.9        .67

For rubber, the numbers for energy/mass are estimations. To get accurate numbers, you need to integrate the full stress-strain curve, and it's nonlinear.

The table is incomplete. Experiments are needed.

Power sources

For power sources, the important qualities are energy/mass and power/mass.

Electric motors have a larger power/mass than batteries, and so the battery has more mass than the motors.

Propellers have a larger power/mass than electric motors. For a flying vehicle, the electric motors have more mass than the propellers.

                       Energy/Mass  Power/Mass
                        MJoule/kg   kWatts/kg

 Battery, Lithium polymer    1.0         .6
 Battery, Lithium ion         .7         .5
 Battery, Lithium titanate    .3        1
 Battery, Lead acid           .18        .18
 Battery, Aluminum air       4.6         .2      Not rechargeable
 Supercapacitor               .05      20
 Aluminum capacitor           .01     100
 Gasoline motor              -          5
 Electric motor              -          5
 Propeller                   -         15
 Electric generator          -           .1
 Rocket, solid fuel          -       5000

The variables are:

 Energy/Mass   =  e          Joules/kg
 Power/Mass    =  p          Watts/kg
 Ragone number =  r  =  e p  Joule*Watt/kg2
 Ragone time   =  t  =  e/p  second

For capacitors, there is a tradeoff between power/mass and energy/mass.

 e p  ~  109 Joule Watt / kg2


The key variable for flight is power/mass. Hovering flight requires an aircraft with at least 200 Watts/kg.

                           Power/Mass  Energy/Mass
                            Watts/kg    MJoule/kg

Minimum for fixed-wing flight   100        -
Minimum for hovering flight     200        -
Battery, lithium-polymer        600        1.0
Battery, lithium-ion            800         .8
Battery, lithium-titanate      4000         .4
Electric motor                 5000        -
Propeller                     15000        -