I teach for the Old School Homeschool.
* CV
Selected papers:
* The Phurba algorithm for simulating fluid turbulence: theory
* The Phurba algorithm for simulating fluid turbulence: tests
* Magnetic turbulence
* Alfven turbulence
* Helical dynamo
* Theory of resolution in turbulence simulations: Gradients
* Theory of resolution in turbulence simulations: Diffusion
Once upon a time, Professors Peter Goldreich and Sterl Phinney pioneered an order-of-magnitude physics class at Caltech.
"The art of insight in science and engineering", Sanjoy Mahajan
"Street-fighting mathematics, the art of educated guessing and opportunistic
problem solving", Sanjoy Mahajan
"Order-of-magnitude physics: understanding the world with dimensional analysis,
educated guesswork, and white lies",
Peter Goldreich, Sanjoy Mahajan, and Sterl Phinney
"Order-of-magnitude physics", Jay Maron
"The solar system", Eric Blackman
"Astropedia", Chris Impey
"The astronomical reach of fundamental physics", Adam Burrows and Jeremiah Ostriker
David Hogg, "Real-world physics: a dropped bucket"
David Hogg, "Air resistance"
Sanjoy Mahanan and David Hogg, "Introductory physics, the new scholasticism"
Sterl Phinney, Caltech
Eugene Chiang, Berkeley
Nir Shaviv, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Helmholtz: "I have no satisfaction in formulas unless I feel their numerical magnitude."
Neil deGrasse Tyson (tweet): Kf you seek only easy problems to solve, then ultimately, there'll be nothing about you to distinguish yourself from others.
Richard Askey (mathematician): If things are nice there is probably a good reason why they are nice: and if you do not know at least one reason for this good fortune, then you still have work to do.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Pedro da Silva. composer/guitarist
Brian Malow, The Science Comedian
Astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History
Columbia Rugby
Julie Urban     Planthopper
Matthew Bertone     Entomology, systematics, media
Not Even Wrong     Peter Woit
Cosmic Variance     Sean Carroll
All original material on this site is copyrighted.